New girl

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Once Stiles dropped me off at my house it was about 1:30. By the time I had showered and changed it was around 2. Making my way to my bed I plugged my phone in and climbed in bed. Just as I was about to fall sleep my phone lit up and started ringing beside me.


Groaning I rolled over and answered the phone. "What Stiles?"

"You're never gonna believe what Scott just called and told me." I could already see Stiles bouncing up and down in excitement.

"What did he say?" I mumble not really caring.

"He said he got bit by something in the woods!" I shot up at this in panic.

"Did he say what?" I rushed running a hand through my hair.

"No he didn't he just said he'd show us tomorrow." Stiles said as if it was no big deal. I on the other hand know that something isn't right. With Laura's scent being in the woods that means she's back in town... That means an alpha was in the woods.


"Go go go!" I yell climbing my way into the jeep.

"Woah woah calm down we have plenty of time." Stiles chuckled putting the jeep in reverse.

"I know but I wanna check on Scott." I explained. My palms were sweating because I was so nervous, nervous because I don't want my theory to be right. I don't want my sister to have turned my best friend into a werewolf.

We pull into the school and I jump out of the car. I stand at the front of the jeep bouncing on my toes as I wait for Stiles. Finally he manages to get his crap together and we head to the front of the school.

I see Scott roll up on his bike, him and Jackson exchange a few words, then he proceeds over to us. "Let me see, let me see, let me see." I exclaim running up to him.

Scott looks at Stiles wearily "she's been like this all morning." Stiles shrugged. Nodding Scott pulled his shirt up to reveal the bite. I gasp when I see it.

A million thoughts start running through my mind. Laura's back. She bit Scott. Stiles and Scott are going to have to learn my secret now. What will they think? Can Scott even handle this?

"Right Devin?" Stiles nudged me bring me back from my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I asked.

"Wolves haven't been in California in like sixty years." Stiles stated.

If only you knew..."Uh yeah something like that." I agree.

"Well if you don't believe me about that then you're definitely not gonna believe me when I say I found the other half of the body." Scott said.

"Are you kidding?" Stiles asked in amazement.

"I wish, I'm gonna have nightmares for a month." Scott groans.

"Seriously? This is the best thing that's happen to this town since.." Stiles paused and looked at me then looked at Lydia as she walked past. "The birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia you look, like your gonna ignore me." He mumbles as she ignores him. Stiles turns to Scott and glares. "This is your fault, I blame you."

"Uh-huh." Scott grinned.

"I'm a nerd by association." Stiles mumbled.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now