A Moutain Lion

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"Mm. Did they forget my curly fries?" The sheriff asked looking through the back. Stiles and I decided it would be nice to bring his dad food so here we are sitting with him, eating, and hoping to meddle a little.

"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones, right Devin." I look up at Stiles in panic with my mouth full of curly fries.

"Wight." I mumble with my mouth full, I watch as the sheriff cracks a smile at me before turning back to his son.

"Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries." He patted the gun.

"If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong." Stiles sassed his dad.

"Unit one, do you copy?" The radio goes off. Stiles and I look at each other before both diving to the radio but the Sheriff snatched from out grasp.

"Sorry." We grumble sitting down.

"Unit one, copy." Sheriff responds.

"Got a report of a possible 187." Stiles head shot up, as did mine.

"A murder!" We say in sync. The sheriff shakes his head and walks out, we quickly follow. Hoping in the back off the cop car, Stiles and I rode to the video store.

"You two, stay here. Paul, let's get this area locked up." Sheriff instructs.

Stiles hits my shoulder making me look up. "No way." But I was already gone when I saw Lydia sitting alone, petrified.

"Lydia!" I yelled going over to her. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"I-I an I-it, eyes." Was all she got out. She was shivering and shaking.

"Shhhhh. It's ok Lyd." I soothe.

"Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" I snap my head up and see Stiles staring at a gurney.

"Everybody back up. Back up." Sheriff instructs.
"Just a friendly reminder - Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self - disgust should be more than enough punishment. Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Harris ask bluntly looking at Stiles and myself.

"If your going to stare at us you might as well just ask us... And no we haven't seen Scott today... He's MIA." I say bitterly.

"Rudeness is not necessary Miss Hale." He then approaches Jackson who I never realized had walked in. "Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know."

"Unbelievable." I mumble to Stiles who just places a hand on my leg while he continued to highlight the entire page in the book.

"Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." Stiles glares at him and spits the cap in the air, which I catch for him.

"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles ask turning around.

Danny looks up only for a moment. "No."

"Ok then I'm going to ask, did Lydia come to home room?" I step in.

"No." Danny answers uneasily.

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles tries again.

"Answers still no." Danny glares.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now