Take it easy

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After an awkward dinner with the Stilinski's, Stiles and I made our way back up to his room so I could get my bag.

"Hey wanna call Scott with me real fast?" He asked turning on his laptop.

"Yea I can." I say watching his screen load. When his background loaded it made me smile, it was a picture of him, Scott and myself last year on the first day of school.

Stiles reaches down beside me and picks up a toy gun. "What are you doing with that?" I laughed.

"Shooting Scott." Stiles acted as if this was the most normal thing ever, and for them it very well may be.

Moments later Scott appeared on screen and Stiles shot at the screen before putting the gun down with a goofy grin on his face. "What did you find out?" Scott asked.

" Oh, it's bad, Jackson has a separated shoulder." Stiles states.

"Because of me?"? Scott groans.

"No because he's an ass." I add appearing behind Stiles' chair.

"Is he gonna play?" Scott worried.

"They don't know yet. Now they're just counting on you for saturday." While Stiles talks I stare intently at the screen in the back corner.

Not wanting to freak Scott out I tap Stiles shoulder before pointing to the corner. "What?"Scott wonders.

It looks like. Stiles attempts to type out but the computer decided to be slow.

"Looks like what?" Scott ask.

Someone's behind you. Stiles typed before we lost connection.

"What do you think that was?" Stiles asked.

"I'm sure it was nothing. Probably just a shadow or something." I shrug. "Hey can you drive me home so I don't have to walk."

"Yea let me grab my keys." He agrees walking over to his side table and picks up the keys before ushering me out the door. "Hey dad I'll be back I'm taking Devin home!" He called before closing the door behind us.

Climbing into the car it was silent for a moment. "Do you think Scott can do this?"

I let out a sigh. "I think he can, it's going to be difficult I'm not gonna lie, but Scott is strong and he has us to help." I finish.

"You and I?" He ask taking his eyes off the road for a moment.

"Yes Stiles, you and I, we're gonna help Scott." I assure.
After Stiles dropped me off at my house it was around 10. Sitting down at my desk I decided I had an hour to work on my paper for English that was due in a few weeks.

"You won't be able to help him." Jumping I spun around in my chair seeing Derek standing in my room!

"What the hell!" I yelled standing up. "Why are you here?"

"Devin you know he needs me." Derek stated coming forward.

"No I'm not sending my best friend to you for help." I cross my arms. "I don't think it's a coincidence that you show up and Scott gets bit. There's something your not telling me. If you tell me then you can help him."

"Devin somethings are just better if you don't know." He argues. I roll my eyes and turn back to my laptop. "Your friend is an idiot."

"Hey! You take it easy on him! This is difficult." I say pointing at him.

"I'm trying too." He closes his eyes.

"No you don't need to try to, you need to back off, Stiles and I can handle this." I sternly say. 

"I'm warning you Devin, you need me."

"No we don't. We don't need a lying, backstabbing, asshole, whose only ever cared about himself." I sass.

"Why don't you trust me?" Derek yelled.

"Because YOU wouldn't even help ME when I was learning! You made Peter do it! Why would I trust you to train my best friend when you wouldn't even train your own sister! The one who you swore you would protect and then you left me! So for-fucking-give me for not trusting you Derek!" I yelled back. "Now if you I don't mind leave!" I point to the door.

Derek nods solemnly, slowly walking towards the door. He turns back just a moment, "I've never stopped protecting you." And then he was gone.
The next day school was normal, class, lecture, Stiles bugging me, competing with Lydia for the highest grade, same old same old. Well until I walked up on Scott and Stiles lurking around a corner.

"What are we doing?" I ask placing my hand on Stiles shoulder making him jump.

"Shhh we're listing, what are they saying?" He hisses.

"Curfew because of the body." Scott answers.

"Unbelievable ! My dad is looking after a stupid animal whereas the damn real killer can hang out, doing whatever he wants." Stiles whispered angrily.

"Wait what?" I ask confused.

"Stiles thinks your brother is the one who killed the girl." Scott answers for me.

"What?" I question turning to look at Stiles.

"Listen just keep and open mind, think about it, a werewolf did it, Scott wasn't one yet, you didn't do it, so the only one left is him." Stiles theorizes.

"Stiles that- oh my god." I groan realizing it is a possibility.

"You can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek anyways." Scott states obviously.

Stiles got that twinkle in his eye. "I can do something..."

"Like what?" Scott asked at the same time I let out an "oh no."

"Find the other half of the body." Stiles declares tugging me up with him and taking off down the hall.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now