Best friend save

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"Did you get her to give you the necklace?" Stiles ask as we all sit down at out lunch table.

"Not exactly." Scott grimaced.

Stiles glares from Scott, who wears a face of guilt, to me, with a face a anger. "Uh oh, what happened?"

"Yea SCOTT what happened?" I snippily ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"She told me not to talk to her. At all." He cringes.

Stiles let out a loud sigh, "So she's not giving you the necklace?"

This time it was Stiles turn to get snapped at, "Of course she's not giving him the fucking necklace!" Stiles looked at me in shock before turning back to Scott.

"Well, did you find anything else out?" He ask ignoring my little outburst. I think Stiles has put it together that I'm extremely pissed off at Scott for hurting my friend.

"Just that I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic." Scott's eyes widen as he realizes what he say. Slowly he turns to look at me to see me steaming.

"Oh just let me show you psychotic McCall." I put my hands on the table pushing myself up, acting quickly Stiles grabs my waist and pulls me back down.

"Woah there she-wolf. We don't a pack fight in the cafeteria." Stiles says placing a hand on my thigh now. "Ok back on topic." Stiles starts once I cool down. "I came up with a plan "B" just in case anything like this happened."

I raise my eyebrow him now, "and that is?"

"Just steal the stupid thing." Stiles obviously states.

"Couldn't we try at least getting to Harris?" Scott pleads buy quickly retracts when he sees my death glare.

"My dad put him on a 24 - hour protective detail, okay? The necklace is all we got." Stiles explains to which Scott slumps down.

"Just steal the god damn thing!" I exclaim slamming my hands on the table.

"Stiles, Dev, he's watching us." Scott's eyes widen as he looks over his shoulder. In front of me I see Jackson sitting at his normal table with a smirk.

"Scott - You can hear me? You can, can't you?" Jackson quietly says, but thanks to super hearing Scott and I both hear.

"What's wrong?" Stiles ask all panicky.

"Jackson's talking to me. He knows I can hear him. Look at me. Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothing's happening!" Scott begs.

"Are you trying to pretend not to hear me?" You could practically hear the smirk in Jackson's voice.

"Say something. Talk to me!" Scott exclaims.

Stiles hands fly up in defeat as his mouth hangs open, "I can't think of anything. My mind's a complete blank."

Now it was time for my jaw to drop. "You, Stiles Stilinski, the ADHD kid can not think of anything to say?"

"Not under this kind of pressure. FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore." Stiles informs, my head shoots to the table where Jackson previously sat to see his seat empty.

"Why the hell did he go?" I mutter. Scott's head snapped all around trying to find him.

"Looking for me, McCall? I'm right here." My head follows Scott's to find Jackson in a corner. "So what else can you do? Huh? Can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? No, I knew there was no way you suddenly got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're actually a cheater, aren't you? I mean, can you even play lacrosse?"

I watched as Scott's fist curled up showing Jackson was pushing all the right buttons. "I'll bet my new co - captain's gonna score a bunch of shots tonight, aren't you ? And while you're pretending you're not a lying cheat, I'm gonna ruin your life if you don't give me what I want. And you know what I'm gonna start with ? Her. I'm gonna destroy any chance you'll ever have with her. And when I'm done with that, I'm gonna get her all alone, and I'm gonna get my hands all over that tight little body."

"Oh my god I think I'm gonna throw up." I groan tuning out, I did NOT need to hear Jackson's sexual ideas.

"Scott, come on, you can't let him do this. You can't let him have this kind of power over you. Okay!" Stiles encourages.

"Scott look at me! Stay focused dammit, we don't need Jackass getting in your head." I demand snapping my fingers in front of his face.

Not being able to handle it anymore Scott jumps up leaving Stiles and I alone at the table. After a moment of silence Stiles turns to me with a large grin. "Wanna make out again?"

Eyes going wide I smacked him on the back of the head, "We have problems to solve Stilinski!"
After lunch I sent Stiles to find Scott while I headed to my next class. Those to idiots may not be to worried about grades but I'm still trying to make it to law school.

"Jackson! This little text - not funny!" Lydia exclaims grabbing Jackson from his group.

"No, I wasn't trying to be funny. I would have put a "ha ha" at the end of it. And, see, there's no "ha ha." The sarcastic asshole said.

Lydia glared before looking down and reading a text- "Lydia, please give back my spare house key at your earliest convenience - As we are no longer dating?"

"You didn't lose it, did you?" Jackson groaned.

"What the hell is this?" Lydia screeched.

Jackson sighed as if this was no big deal. "Well, Lydia, in preparation for some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. And you're just about the deadest."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Lydia bitchily asked.

"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you." He smirked.

I could smell the heartbreak on Lydia as she straightened up. "Dumped by the co - captain of the lacrosse team. I wonder how many minutes it'll take me to get over that. Wait, seconds, actually. Seconds!"

Turning and walking away Lydia glared at Jackson. Making my move I sneak behind Jackson and grab him by the neck throwing him into the room behind us.

"Well little Hale. I knew you were into lacrosse players but I didn't think you would go for me so quick, what happened to Stilinski, not good enough in bed for you?" Jackson smirked.

"Listen hear asshole, first things first I would NEVER leave Stiles for you! Secondly, I know Lydia may act like she's ok but she's not! So I don't know what plan you have in that stupid little head of yours but if you hurt Lydia anymore than you already have I will kill you." I threaten tightening my grip on his throat.

"Oh and how you gonna do that?" He test attempting to lean forward. 

Closing my eyes I flash them yellow quickly, "Test me Whittemore!"

Best Friend save #2 for me today.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now