This is just a theory

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*3rd person POV*

"No - I'm not just letting you leave them here." Stiles refuses as Peter tries to leave.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me." Peter demands.

Stiles shakes his head leaning down and touching the cheek of his love. "Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore."

Peter rolls his eyes in annoyance at the ADHD boy, "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get."

"I'm calling Deaton for Devin." Stiles sternly says.

"What ever lets just go." Peter groans.

Stiles dials Deaton's number and quickly explains the situation before unwillingly leaving with Peter.

Rushing to the field Deaton finds the two girls sprawled out across the field. Getting Devin in his car first he text Stiles letting him know he can call Jackson now to get Lydia. Quickly Deaton makes his way to the animal hospital where he takes Devin in for test.

After hours of test Deaton was coming up blank. Devin was alive but she wasn't wake yet like she should be. Every now and then her body will start seizing as if she's having an allergic reaction.

"How is she?" Stiles panted running in.

"Honestly I don't know, it's like she's alive but dead?" Deaton scratches his head in confusion. "Have you told Steve and Derek?"

Stiles eyes widen realizing that her family doesn't even know what is happening to her. "No." He chokes out.

Deaton nods and walks over to the phone. "I'll notify them, it's probably best if we move her to her house anyways."

Deaton walks out leaving Stiles alone with Devin. For the first time he takes in her appearance since the accident. Her gold dress was soaked in blood on one side. The dried blood on her neck made it look as though a vampire attacked her, her hair was a mess pieces flying every where, and her make up was smeared down her face. But even in the mist of all this, to Stiles she was still the most beautiful girl in the world. "Come on Dev just wake up for me. I need you, I love you. And I can't live with out you because well you know I'm not normal, but then again I guess neither is this town or you."
It's been days since the accident. Steve and Derek came and took Devin back home where she lay now in her bed. Stiles hasn't her house since she arrived, and Derek only for a bit here and there.

Taking turns watching her was not ideal for Derek but he knew he had to. Sitting in her room he sat beside her thinking on how life could've been. "I shouldn't have left." He whispers thinking. "We should've taken you with us." Upset with himself Derek remains silent staring at his unconscious sister.

A knock on the door pulled Derek from his world of thoughts. "Sorry to interrupt but I need to check her wounds and everything." Deaton said holding up his medical bag. Behind filed in Scott and Stiles.

Deaton began his work examining her body. "Hmmm." He hummed looking up. "Scott where did you say Lydia was bit?"

"Left side." He answered skeptically.

"Interesting." Deaton mutters looking closer.

"What? What? Is it?" Stiles panics.

Deaton looks up at him and the others, "When Devin first arrived at my clinic her dress was soaked in blood on the right side, which as you can see," he lifts up the shirt to reveal a half healed bite, "is healing. But she also has a similar one on her left side."

"So what are you getting at?" Derek snapped.

"Is Lydia still unconscious?" Deaton continues with questions.

"Yea she's at the hospital." Scott answers.

"Hmm now this is only a theory but have you ever heard of a Vindex wolf?"

"Vin- what?" Stiles ask confused.

"In Latin Vindex means defender, protector, or avenger. There is a myth of Vindex werewolves. They are extremely rare and only occur in specific blood lines when a beta is bitten by the alpha." Deaton begins explain.

"So what does any of this mean?" Stiles ask frustrated.

"Vindex wolves tether themselves to other people. Meaning they can feel what they feel if anything is happening they will know, pain, emotion, in some case consciousness." Deaton continues.

"So your telling us Devin tether herself to Lydia so now we have to wait on Lydia to wake up?" Scott clarifies.

Deaton nods. "Precisely, now this is an extremely dangerous ability if not taught to use it correctly." Deaton warns.

At this point Derek steps in, "I can help her. My mom told me about theses when I was younger, apparently one of my great aunts was one but the ability killer her because she connected herself to her husband who was being killed. I can help her." Derek assures Steve.

"Then all that's left to do is wait for her to awake."

Well folks that's the end of Divine! I hope you enjoyed it! The next book will be called Vindex and takes place durning season 2. I hope your all excited to see what these new abilities hold for Devin and the pack. Vote and comment on things you would like to see in the next book! 🐺

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now