Attack and homework

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"Scott open up!" I banged on the door.

"No! Listen, you've got to find Allison." He breathed.

"She's fine. Someone got her out of the party, she's totally fine..." Stiles tried.

"I think I know who it is!" Scott cried.

"Let us in! We can.-" Scott cut Stiles off. "It's Derek Hale! Derek Hale is a werewolf, he's the one who bit me, he's the one that killed the girl in the woods."

I shook my head. "It couldn't be Derek." I hiss.

"Scott... Derek is the one who drove Allison from the party." And with that I heard rustling.

"He's gone." I groan sliding down the door.

"Ok I'm gonna go check on Allison, you stay here and wait on him." Stiles instructs.
I waited 2 hours before Scott came home. "We need to talk." I say standing up from his couch.

"Yea, is it true are you one too?" He asked. I just nodded and Scott sighs. "How am I gonna do this?"

"Hey you got me Scott, and you got Stiles who you know isn't gonna give up on you." I say patting his shoulder.

"I don't get why Derek bit me though." Scott complained.

"But he didn't!" I argue.

"Well he didn't deny it when I asked an hour ago." Scott said getting worked up.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean I asked him and he never denied it!" Scott snapped.

And now the wheels were turning in my mind. How is Derek an alpha?
After school I started making my way to the lacrosse field to watch practice when I saw Scott and Allison talking. "Can you just trust me on this one?" Scott begged.

"Am I going to regret this?" Allison asked as I approached.

"Probably!" I added walking by never stopping only turning and throwing a smile over my shoulder.

Making it to the bleachers I took my books out and began working on my homework. Before I new it the guys were on the field practicing. "My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the body of my dead grandmother?" I heard coach yell.

"Yes coach.." Scott responded. I could hear his heart rate picking up.

"I can't hear you!" Finstock yells.

"Yes coach!" Scott responds louder.

"Then do it again! McCall is gonna do it again!" He mocks.

I watch as Scott takes off hitting Jackass- I mean son- Jackson, knocking both of them to the ground. Throwing my books down I sprint onto the field kneeling beside Scott.

"I can't control it, it's happening!" Scott huffs.

"What? Right here? Now?" Stiles panics.

"Come on! Get to the locker room." I instruct throwing his arm over my shoulders.

We make our way to the locker room and throw Scott to the ground. "Scott?" Stiles timidly ask.

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