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After the awkward encounter I decided I need a long hot shower. I stepping in I let the water run down my body. It seems like now the only time it get to think is in here.

First thing to my mind is Peter, why would he do this. It's not like it's going to bring anyone back, and why kill Laura too, she didn't do anything. Why has Derek flipped to his side too?

Now Stiles, what if I can't protect him? What if Scott and I can't do it, what if we slip up and Stiles gets caught in the crossfire. Ok no I can't think like this, Stiles will be fine.

Getting lost I my train of though I didn't realize my water had run cold. Climbing out I wrap a towel around my body and hair. Stepping on to my plush carpet I make my way to my dresser and pull out a pair of Nike running shorts and one of Stiles Beacon Hills lacrosse shirts.


Reaching down I pick up my phone. "Heller?"

"I'm going to the deepest pits of hell." Stiles mutters into the phone.

I let out a laugh as I flop down onto my bed. "And why is that?"

"I got my dad drunk so that he would tell me about the cases." Stiles admits.

"Stiles why would you-" he cut me off with a sigh.

"And he brought of mom." I sit up at that.

"Are you ok?" I ask sincerely. "I can come over."

Stiles is quite for a minute on the other line. "Yea if you would just come over." He finally gives in.

"Ok I'll be over in 5." I say getting up and trying to find my keys.

"Alright babe. Thank you." Stiles says before hanging up.

Finding my keys I grab my wallet and head down stairs where Steve is. "Where are you going missy?"

"Stiles needs me." I state trying to go to the door.

"For what?" Steve pushes.

I let out a sigh and turn to him, "His dad brought up his mom and he's a little up set about it."

Sympathy rose to Steve's as he motions for me to go on. Flashing him a small smile and head out the door to my car. Quickly reaching Stiles house I open the door know the Sheriff won't mind.

Walking in I don't see him so I head up to Stiles room. Reaching to door I knock lightly as I push it open. Stiles who was laying on his bed sat up and looked at me. "Hey." I smile walking over to him.

"Hey." He smiles weakly. Walking over to him I wrap him in a hug.

"You ok?" I whisper rubbing his back.

Stiles lets out a shaky breath as he pulls back. "Yeah I just wanted to see you, you always seem make these situations better." He mutters looking into my eyes.

"How do I make it better?" I ask not knowing.

"Just you being here, your smile, your laugh, they all seem to brighten my mood." I let a small smile creep on to my lips. "There it is." He whispers.

"Well I'm glad to help." I whisper leaning up and pecking his lip. "I'm always here to help."

Stiles nods and rest his forehead on mine. Looking into my eyes he lets out a shaky breath. "Devin I need to tell you something, but you can't freak out."

"Stiles your kinda worrying me." I admit wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No it's it's fine it's just, I uh- well I-" he begins to stutter.

"Stiles." I whisper concerned.

"Devin I-uh I think- well actually I know well I know that I-I love you." Stiles finally manages to get.

My eyes go wide at his words. "Wh-what?" I stumble.

"You know what I'm not scared anymore. Devin I love you and I have for a while now. I've just been to scared to admit it. And I know growing up you though I loved Lydia because of how much I talked about her but really it was just my way of covering up my love for you!" Stiles admits holding me by the waist.

I stood there looking into his chocolate brown eyes, the eyes that hold nothing but love at the moment. "Stiles I-I think I love you too." I whisper

"Think?" Stiles questions pulling me closer, worry in his beautiful eyes.

"I mean I don't know what love is so I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty positive I do." I admit looking up at him.

A smile forms on his lips as he dips down and places a passionate kiss to my lips. "Devin Sophia Hale I love you." He whispers before leaning down to kiss me again.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to get some Stevin feels in! Well they finally said it! Hope you liked it!

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now