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*Ring. Ring. Ring*

"Devin let me-" I cut Derek off as soon as he answered.

"No I get to talk Derek. Where are you staying?" I asked.

"Um the house." He said uneasily.

Sighing I ran a hand through my hair. "Ok I'm on my way." I say.

"Wha-no Devin you aren't coming here." Derek demanded.

"Ha yea you don't control me." I laughed. "See you in 10." I finished hanging up.

Picking up my leather jacket walked down the stairs. "Bye Steve! I'm going to meet Derek!" I yelled opening the door.

"Oh shit!" As soon as I turned to run out the door I came face to face with Stiles.

"Stiles? What the hell?" I asked taking a step back.

"Uh so I was listening in on dads call and-" I cut him off.

"Stiles can this wait I really have to go meet someone?" I asked walking and closing the door behind me.

"Uh no not really its kinda important." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sure it can wait. I'll call you later yea?" I ask climbing in my mustang, yes I have a mustang and still ride with Stiles, it's just more interesting with him.

"Devinnnn ." He whined.

"Stiles really I HAVE to go." I say shutting my door and backing out of my driveway. 

Flying down the back roads I finally made it to the old house. I haven't been back since the day it burned. Taking a deep breath I climbed out of car. "Derek! I know you're here, we need to talk." I say walking up to the house.

Carefully I step in and take in the remains of the house.

"I told you not to come here Devin." Derek appeared out of no where.

"Yea well you don't really have much jurisdiction in my life Derek." I snapped placing my hands on my hips.

"Devin I'm serious something isn't right." He warned.

"Oh you wanna know what's not right? How about two siblings abandoning their 5 year old sister! I looked up to you two Derek! You and Laura both!" I yelled.

"You don't understand." Derek tried.

"You left me Derek! WHY?" I yelled again.

"I-it was just safer for you Dev." He said.

"What was not safe? How was it safer for me to stay in the town where someone murdered my family, while you two ran off the God knows where." I cried.

"Because they followed us Devin! Laura and I had to split up when we got to Atlanta, she left and lead them too New York while I stayed for a bit. She was always on the run and I was only 15! I couldn't take care of a child!" Derek yelled.

I felt myself losing control quickly. I felt the fangs begin to pierce my gums and my claws grow from my hand. "You left me." I growled again I knew I was going wolf and so did Derek.

"We had to!" He yelled, claws extending. I needed to just release my anger so I pounced on Derek, clawing, punching, and kicking. Derek allowed me to get a few hits and scratches in before grabbing my arms, spinning me, and pinning me to the wall.

My chest was heaving when Derek backed away. "Are you done now?" He asked stepping back.

My breath still heavy. "Maybe."

"Good." An awkward silence fell over us.

"So why are you here?" I finally ask.

"I'm not having this conversation Devin." He said crossing his arms.

"Why the hell not?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Because it's not important Devin." He snapped.

"If you and Laura are back in town it is important!" I yelled. Derek's body stiffen before he relaxed. "What are you not telling me?" I asked.

"It's nothing Devin, just go home and get some rest you have school tomorrow." Derek said opening the front door.

"Oh so now you care about me?" I asked.

"I've always cared about you Devin." He said staring down at me.

"As if." I snap walking out and to my car. Angrily getting in my car I slammed my door before speeding down his driveway.
-Beep. Beep.-

Running out my front door I had my bag on one shoulder and my hands in my hair trying to pull it into a bun. "Hey." I breath climbing in.

"So can you talk now?" Stiles asked kind of annoyed.

"I'm sorry." I went ahead and apologized not wanting the headache of Stiles being mad at me.

"I'm sure he- wait what did you just say?" Stiles asked stopping short of his accusation.

"I said I'm sorry." I smiled. Realization crossed his face and the corners of his mouth turned up. "So what was so important?"

"Oh right! I was listening to my dads call and he said they found hair on the girls body!" He rushed. "Animal hair."

"Yea and?" I asked pushing him.

"Not just any animal, wolf hair." Stiles said wide eyed.

Well crap.

After school Stile took me too his house to help him research.

"What makes you think Scott's a werewolf?" I ask lying upside down on his bed.

"Heighten senses, speed, reflexes! Devin you saw what Scott did on the field today, that's not normal!" Stiles exclaimed throwing papers around.

It's true what Scott did was clearly because of the bite, but I'm just not ready to tell Stiles yet.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now