Need to know

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The game was so close, but no one would pass the ball to Scott. Finally towards the end of the game Scott got the ball and made and incredible move scoring. "Woohoo yeah Scott!" I cheer.

Next position the other team threw the ball right too him, taking it Scott scored. Finally the clock is running down and Scott has the ball in front of the goal. After waiting a moment finally he shoots scoring! Everyone rushes the field to congratulate the team. Somehow in the chaos I lost sight of the Sheriff.

"Hey come on." Stiles said finding me in the crowd and tugging me to the locker room.

Slipping into the locker room I take lead in front of Stiles. Rounding the corner I hear kissing so I quickly stop making sure to stay hidden behind the corner.

"I gotta get back to my dad." Allison breaks away.


Allison rounds the corner and smiles. "Stiles, Devin." Grinning I give a small wave, the second she's out I turn and look at Scott.

A smiles broke out across Scott's face. "I kissed her..."

"We saw." Stiles smiled, proud of his friend.

"She kissed me." He added.

"Yup saw that too Scotty."I grin.

"It's pretty good, huh?" Stiles ask, it Still amazes me that this boy hasn't had his first kiss.

"I... I... I don't know how but... I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this, maybe it's not that bad!" Scott happily said.

"Don't get to far ahead of yourself." I warn.

"Yea, well I guess we can talk about this later." Stiles says avoiding the real reason he came in here.

"No what?"

"The, er... medical examiner looked at the half of the body we found...." Stiles trailed off.

"And?" Scott pushed.

"Well, let's keep it simple... The medical examiner  determined that the killer was animal, not human, Derek human, not animal, Derek not the killer... Derek let out of jail." Stiles explained. I shook my head, of course how could we not have thought of that.

"Are you kidding?" Scott groaned.

"No, and there's more... My dad identified the dead girl... both halves..." He glanced at me. "It was Laura, Laura Hale." And with that my heart drops.

Without a second thought I take off running to the parking lot making it to where I had left my car after school. I heard someone run after me but I kept going, by now tears had started.

Did Derek kill Laura to take her alpha status?

Is that why he hadn't told me?

Shakily I reach for the keys to put in the ignition but can't. "Devin hey look at me, roll the window down." Stiles says knocking on my window.

I shook my head as tears roll down my cheeks. Laura is gone. "Come one Dev don't shut me out." He begged. "Please." Slowly I reach out and press the button rolling down the window. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"I-I'm not sure." I cry.

"Well then let me me drive your in no condition to." He plead.

"I have to go find Derek.. I need to know the truth." I decide.

"Ok, I understand, just let me go with you, please Dev." Stiles asked leaning in my window.

"Why? Why do you wanna risk your life going with me?" I asked looking up at him with glossy eyes.

"Because you mean the world to me Devin and I couldn't live with my self if something happened to you. It just makes me feel better knowing I'm with you. I don't trust him." Stiles said tenderly.

My mind was overflowing with emotions, sorrow, pain, abandoned, betrayed, but love too. Leaning up to Stiles a place my lips on his, taking him by surprise. After realizing what was happening though he leaned in the window more so that it was easier, moving his lips against mine he placed his hands on my cheeks. Slowly he pulled away, eyes still shut and a smile on his face.

"Come on, I need to find Derek." I whisper unlocking the car. Nodding Stiles jogs around the front of my car before getting in next to me.
Pulling up to the old house I climb out and stand I front of the car. "Derek! Derek are you here!" I yell pissed off.  Stiles comes up next to me slowly taking my hand. "Derek!" I yell again.

Nothing. "Is he here?" Stiles ask.

I shake my head. "No, he knew I would come looking for him." Turning I climb back in my car.  The drive to Stiles house was silent. Since it was Friday I told Steve I was staying at Lydia's, but really I had planned to go over to Stiles so we could work on something for Scott.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles tentatively asked as I fell down onto his bed.

I just shook my head as tears began to stroll down my cheeks. Stiles quickly made his way over to me wrapping me in a hug and letting me cry. "I d-don't know why I-I'm so u-upset, she l-left me." I hiccuped.

"Shh it's ok. She was your sister. I understand." Stiles soothed.

I shook my head and sat up, whipping the tears from my face. "No, no sibling would abandon their sister. I'm done crying for someone who left me." I sniffled.

"Devin it's ok to be up-" I cut him off. "No Stiles I'm done crying. I'm all good now." I throw a fake smile at the end.

"You know I see straight through that fake smile of yours." He says tucking my hair behind my ear.

"It's not fake, I just, I need some time to take this in and swallow it. But I won't cry, I refuse to." I state.

"How bout we just sleep then." He suggest.

"That'd be nice." I agree. Stiles nodded and walks into his bathroom to change. I stay in his room and change into a big t-shirt and some running shorts. Once I was changed I laid down on Stiles bed waiting on him.

I never realized how exhausted I was till I finally laid down. Slowly my eyes began to close as I heard the door open. "Tired?" He asked.

"Mhh umm." I mutter.

"Ok I'm just gonna-" I felt the pillow next to me being moved.

"What are you doing?" I ask slightly opening my eyes.

Panic crossed his eyes. "I uh well normally when you stay I sleep on the couch."

I shake my head and reach out. "Stay." A small smile crosses his lips as he nods. Stiles climbs in bed and gets comfortable before a crawl toward him and place my head on his chest. "Thank you for always being here." I mumble.

"I'm always here."

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now