He wants you

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"All the lights are off, do you think anyone's home?" I whispered as we sat outside Scott's.

"I don't know lets just go through his window." Stiles suggest climbing out.

"This can't end well." I mutter following him. Stiles heads to the porch and begins sizing it up.

"Ok here I'll lift you up first." He says looking at me.

I let out a small laugh. "Stiles you know I can get my self up there."

"Well this is cuter." He smirked placing his hands on my hips preparing to lift me. I laugh and let him lift me onto the roof. Stiles them clambered his way onto the roof with me. "Ok let see if it's unlocked." He whispers to himself. He slowly lifts the window and it opens.

I climb through first and land on Scott's bed. I lean up to start helping Stiles through, the second he lands on the bed the light flicks on and there stands Melissa ready to hit us in the head with a baseball bat. "Ahhhhh." We all scream. 

"Stiles? Devin, what the hell are you doing?" She yelled.

"What are we doing? God, do either of you even play baseball?" Stiles exclaimed.

Melissa looks at us cluelessly while Scott walks in. "Can you please tell your friends to use the front door." She plead.

"You lock the front door, they wouldn't be able to get in." Scott rationalized.

"Yeah, exactly! And, by the way, do any of you care the police made a curfew?" Melissa asked looking between us.

"No." We all say in sync.

"No? Alright, then, you know what? That's enough parenting for me for one night. Good night." And with that she turns walking out.

"Good night!" I call as she leaves.

"My dad left for the hospital fifteen minutes ago and it's the bus driver... He said he succumbed to his wounds." Stiles enlightens Scott.

"Succumbed." He asked clueless.

"He died Scott." I state blankly.
"Scott I'm coming with you." I state following him out of the house.

"No Devin!" He argued.

"Scott I'm going with you if you argue with me I'll just punch you in the throat." I bluntly say.

"Devin." He whined.

"Scott!" I warn. He rolls his eyes and motions for me to get in with him. We drive silently to the old house and get out.

"Derek! We know you're here! We know what you did!" Scott yells out.

"I didn't do anything." Derek says in a normal tone.

"You killed him!" I add.

"He died." Derek bluntly says.

"Like your sister?" Scott asked harshly making me wince at the memory.

"My sister was missing. I came here to look for her." Derek tries to explain... That would make sense...

"You found her." Scott pushed.

"I found her in pieces! Being used as bait to catch me!" Derek said angrily, this isn't something Derek would make up.

"I think you killed them both. I'm going to tell everyone. Starting with the sheriff." Scott threatens walking up.

"Scott don't I don't think he's ly-" I was cut of by Derek appearing behind us. Before I knew it the two were wolfed out and fighting.

"Stop! Damnit you two cut it out!" I yell getting between them and pushing Derek back. Both returned to human form once I separated them.

"I didn't kill him! Neither of us did! It's not your fault and it's not mine!" Derek says.

"This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!" Scott blamed.

"No I didn't!" Derek defends.

"You're the one who bit me!" Scott yelled.

"No I'm not!" Derek yelled back.

"What?" Scott and I ask at the same time.

"I'm not the one who bit you." Derek calmly says.

"There's another..." I realize another alpha is near.

"It's called an alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. We're betas... This thing is more powerful, more animal than us. Our sister came here looking for it and now, I'm trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you, both of you." Derek explains to Scott.

"Why me?" Scott wonders.

I realize what Derek is going on about. "Because he's the one that bit you. You're a part of his pack. It's you, Scott... You're the one he wants." I say.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now