Air vents

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I held my breath as the footsteps got closer and closer. Suddenly I heard a locker fly open, a man yell out and Scott shush him. "Quiet!"

Stiles and I shoved our way out of the locker to see it was a janitor. "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All of you get out." The man yells.

"Will you just listen for half a second, okay." Stiles beg.

"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right Now." The man again yells making me cringe. For all we know the alpha is just right down the hall.

"God, just one second to explain." Stiles again argues.

"Just shut up and go." With that the janitor shoves the boys into the hallway. He goes to grab me but I'm knocked out of the way by something big.

I let out a scream as the door slams shut and I see the alpha there devouring the janitor. I attempt to scoot back quietly but hit a lacrosse stick, making the alphas red eyes turn to me.

Something in the eyes changed when it saw me, recognition? favoritism?  Something clicked in its eyes as it stared me down. Then down the hall, the boys I guess, made a noise casing the alpha to take off. Not before blocking the door so I couldn't get out though.

"Ok think Devin, how can you get out? Windows? None. Door? Blocked." I think. Looking around the room I see there is a vent that leads to the air shaft that looks as though I can crawl through.

Climbing on top of the lockers I open the air shaft and climb in. I begin working my way through the vents not really knowing where I'm going. After numerous turns I end up at another vent. Peeking out I see I'm at the pool.

Popping the vent off I manage to climb my way out. "Devin what are you doing?" I quickly snap around to see Allison there confused.

"Uh oh you know just um checking the venting system!" I lie. "What are YOU doing here?"

"I got a text from Scott." She says holding up her phone which then starts ringing. "Hey. I can't seem to find them. Okay, give me a second and I'll be right there."

Hanging up she turns to say something but again her phones rings. "Stiles?" She answers.

"No, it's me, where are you?" I hear Scott on the other side.

"I'm in the school looking for you, why weren't you at my place?" Allison sounded a little hurt.

"Where are you right now?" Scott hastily ask.

"On the first floor." Allison dumbly  answers.

"Where? Where are you exactly?" Scott continues.

Still confused Allison answers, "The pool."

"Get to the lobby, go now." Scott instructs. 

"Ok, ok I'm coming." Allison says as I tug her out the doors and up to the lobby.

When we get up to the lobby Scott heads for Allison and Stiles heads for me.

"Devin! Oh god your ok! I've been freaking out! Why haven't you answered your phone?" Stiles rushes, he had his arms around me and was talking in my ear.

I give him a looking before reaching down to my pockets to feel, nothing. "I mush have dropped my phone in the vent." I guess I never noticed when I dropped it.

"God I though the alpha got you." He whispered squeezing me tighter.

I hug him back just as tight. "Hey I'm here nothing got me."

"I know, I know." He whispers pulling back. We now turn our attention Scott and Allison. 

"I asked you?" Scott questions in bewilderment.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison hesitantly realizes.

"Oh fuck." I whimpered hiding my face in Stiles chest.

"Because I didn't." Scott cringes.

"Did you drive here?" Stiles ask quickly.

"Jackson did." Allison shrugs.

"Jackson's here too?" I groan.

"And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison ask. Just then Lydia and Jackson come running in.

"Finally can we go now!" Lydia exclaims.

I loud creak erupts in the pipes and I snap my head to Scott who heard it as well. "Run!" I yell taking off Stiles in tow.

We run into a run full of windows. "Help me get this in front of the door." Scott instructs trying to move things in front of the door.

"Scott, wait not here!" Stiles yells out, examining all the windows.

"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison panics.

"What came out of the ceiling!" Lydia exclaims as well.

"Will you just help me? The chairs, stack the chairs!" Scott starts piling things up.

"Guys - Can we just wait a second? You guys, listen to me, w - Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please? Hello?" Stiles tries gaining everyone's attention.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yell gaining attention for Stiles.

"Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now - what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Stiles snaps pointing to the windows.

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why. Scott?"  She turns to Scott begging for an explanation.

"Somebody killed the janitor." Scott stutters looking to Stiles and I for help.

"What?" Lydia squeaks.

"Yup the janitor, dead." I play on.

"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison asks still in panic mood.

I role my eyes at her. Sweetheart if only you knew the REAL danger we're all in. "Who killed him?" Jackson demanded.

"No, no, no, no. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed -" Lydia began babbling.

"No, don't you get it ? There wasn't a mountain lion!" Jackson snaps at Lydia.

"Who was it ? What does he want? What's happening? Scott!" Allison again ask. Scott turns to Stiles and I with panic in his eyes.

"I - I don't know. I - I just - If - if we go out there, he's gonna kill us." Scott tries again.

"Us? He's gonna kill us?" Lydia worries.

"Who? Who is he?" Allison continues asking questions.

"It's Derek. It's Derek Hale." Scott blurts out.

My head snaps up to look at my idiotic friend. "Did he just say Derek?" I hiss to Stiles. The boy's eyes widen in fear as he just nods his head.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now