VI. Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter Six: Trouble in Paradise

                All of our phones beeped at the lunchroom. We all checked our phones and welcomed by the invention we got. This is one of the reasons why I liked staying in Budlong High; no staff cares if we had our phones out or use it during when teachers are trying to educate us.

                ‘Party in my house at 7, you won’t regret coming. I promise you. ~Ash.’

                “Am I reading this right?” I asked Jace. “Or am I actually invited to a party that a girl that hates me is hosting.”

                “It’s not a dream,” he said. “I’m actually invited too.”

                “So are we going?” Ronnie asked us.

                “Absolutely not,” Jace said.                                                 

                “Yep we are,” I said at the same time Jace responded. We both looked at each other for confusion.

                “Jamie, we’re not going to that party. Do you know how crazy Ashley’s party are really are?” he asked. “There’s alcohol there and people losing their virginity. You do you want lose that?”

                “I don’t need your protection Jace; I can take care of myself. I’m not going to be one of those girls that are too stupid of losing their V-card to some stranger. Stop watching out for me.”

                “Jamie, you’re like my sister we’ve been best friends since forever of course I would watch out for you. What kind of a friend would I be if I haven’t?” he asked.

                “For your information Jace, the only person you need to protect is Ronnie here. Not me, so if I lose my virginity tonight, it’s really not your business,” I said.

                “It is my business who you lose you virginity to,” he interrupts.

                “You’re not my father so stay out of it,” I said taking my bag with me as I walk away before he could yell at me.

                It’s not so often Jace and I fought. We were like close siblings that will take care of each other forever and always, but I want that different. Every party I got invited to, Jace would ruin it by telling me not to go or suggested a movie instead to watch. As much as I love him, I sometimes wish he can let me go. I’m growing up and I don’t want to be the little girl he used to take care of. And telling him that losing my virginity was probably the worst thing for him to hear. If anything, Jace always expects me to be one of those good girls.

                I went to my second last period of the day; chemistry. Meaning I have to be with Evan. Sometimes I wish it was Kyle instead of him. I sat down next to him as I kept my eyes out front.

                Mrs. Wright came in with small cardboard boxes. She each gave them to the three people up front.

                “Pass these boxes around,” she spoke taking out a white chalk to write the directions on the board. I took out my notebook to copy it down.

                “What’s wrong little Jones?” he asked.

                “Does word really travel that fast?” I asked.

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