Chapter Five

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My mind feels like its buzzing, even though she is gone I can feel Meldoy's energy buzzing all around me. It makes my body feel light, as if I am about to float away to some magic place I've never been before.

I don't leave right away, instead I stay and let myself take in her lingering scent. Even though she is gone, her smell still wraps around me like a warm scarf in the winter, it's almost as if I could reach out into the air and cuddle it to my cheek.

I haven't decided if tutoring Melody is a good or a bad idea, but right now it's feeling like a God send. A huge part of me thinks that maybe I should just stay as far away from her as possible, attempt to forget all of my feelings and try to live a normal life where I'm not constantly wondering what she looks like under neath her clothes, but deep down inside I know that there is no way that I could do that. So for now I'll take this strange teacher student relationship, definitely not what I had in mine but at least it's a start.

I almost fall out of my chair as my thoughts are rudely disintegrated by Jade's shrill, annoying voice. Like nails on a chalk board, the sound almost makes me nauseous, I swear sometimes I wonder if she knows how much of an annoyance she is on mankind.

"What are you doing!?" She screeches. It takes just about everything that I have inside of me not to dig down deep and say some shit that neither of us can come back from, instead I take a deep breath, and answer her as calmly as I possibly can.

"I just got done tutoring, Jayden." I tell her through my teeth, pointing out the obvious. She looks at me, almost as if she can read my mind and knows exactly what I was thinking about before she walked into the room, which of course makes me extremely uncomfortable .

I have to actively try not to squirm in my chair as Jaydens dead eyes make her way up and down my body. The look on her face keys me know that she thinks I am nothing, she's taking me in just so that she can tell everyone else what is wrong with everything I'm wearing. I know all of this because not too long ago I was her, before I realized that I wasn't better than anyone, we all end up dead in the end.

"So were you planning on coming to cheer practice, or no?" She asks and I roll my eyes. If that's where she is going to be then it's the last place I want to go.

"Practice doesn't start for another twenty minutes Stace, I have plenty of time." I tell her, having to physically stop my teeth from grinding in irritation. I don't understand why this girl feels the need to be up my butt twenty four seven.

"Well, as cheer captain it is my duty to make sure that everyone is at practice on time, and since you are one of our veterans I'm going to need you to put in a little extra effort." Jade says, all the while holding an annoying, large fake smile. I laugh and return a stare just as intense as hers.

"Let's not forget that the only reason you're captain is being I turned down the offer, so don't get too full of yourself." I snap, not even sure where exactly that came from. I'm not usually one to feed into aggression, but the way that Stacey has been acting lately has really pushed me over the edge.

She looks even more shocked than I am, but to my surprise doesn't say anything, instead she looks me up and down, sizing me up. Maybe wondering if she would be able to take me in a fight. Then with one more large smile she struts out of the door, making her heels click loudly against the hard wood floor. Something tells me that is definitely not the end of that.
I sign and gather all of my stuff as slowly as humanly possible just to be petty, then I make my way to practice.

It's no surprise that by the time I change into my practice clothes and get to the gym that Jayden has started practice early just to make me look bad. Everyone looks at me as she makes sure to turn all attention to my entrance.

"Oh, look who decided to show up." She sneers. I take a page out of her book and just flash a fake smile. "Alright ladies, now that Harper has decided to grace us with her presence, let's get into formation."

It takes everything in me to hold my tongue, but I do and follow the other girls lead as they all get into a pyramid formation. Jade dictates as we climb, clapping her hands and yelling as if that I somehow going to make us any stronger in pulling this off. When my time comes I climb up and take my place at the top of the pyramid, a spot that I worked my ass off to get.

"Sloppy, tighten it up!" Jade yells. I lock my arms and keep my stance, knowing that if it's up to her we are going to be up here for a little while. As I'm focusing on not letting my arms shake I hear the gymnasium door open, and look up to see Melody looking up at me, smiling. Seeing her makes me lose my composure, and before I even know what's happening I am on the ground in agony with my leg feeling like it's been folded in half. I let out a scream that comes from somewhere deep inside, I'm in so much pain that the fact that Melody is now sitting on the ground next to me holding me close to her doesn't even phase me.
I hear the girls yelling for help, and I am way to afraid to look down and see how bad my leg looks, from the look on Melody's face, I'm going to assume it's bad.

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