Chapter Sixteen

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I can hear the music blasting as we start to get closer to our destination. Melody picked me up in a different car this time, a newer model dark blue Honda Accord, another friends car. I need to find myself the kind of friends that she has, then again when you look like Melody Lovett I'm sure you can get anyone to do just about anything.

My heart starts to race a little as I wonder how exactly we are going to get into an over 21 club without any ID's, but any time that I try to bring my worries up with Melody she just smiles and tells me not to worry about it. We are again on the side of town that I don't come to often, which would usually make me even more uneasy, but being with Melody makes me feel like I have some kind of blanket of protection around me.

We slowly pull into a dark alley behind a large, tin building. It looks old and run down, but at the same time I can't tell if it is meant to look that way. We are in a very artsy art of town, mainly known for its gay scene, teen runaways and drugs.

Melody shuts the engine off and we sit in the car for a moment as her fingers tap away at her screen at what can only be record breaking speeds. Her phone dings a few times, and I start to look around, getting nervous that we might look suspicious just sitting in a back alley with our lights turned off.

Suddenly the alley is filled with flashing blue, purple, and pink light. I look forward and have to squint to see the outline of a very large person holding the back door open. They wave us over and Melody unbuckles her seatbelt.

"Let's go." She says as she jumps out of the car. I quickly get out and try to keep up with her pace. The guy holding the door open is a brute of a dude, arms and neck completely covered in tattoos, a large scruffy red beard and a dirty old red bandana tied around his greasy hair. He looks like something straight out of a biker movie.

"What are we doing?" I ask as I trail behind her towards the large man that looks like he sells meth. Instead of answering me she puts one finger up, telling me to hold on. I can feel my frustration growing, then I catch a glimpse of the moon light as it hits her eyes and all irritation melts away.

"Hey baby girl." He says in a gruff voice as he puts an arm around Melody's waist. I cringe as he brushes her skin with his finger tips.

"Hey Joker. This is my girl Harper." She says as she gestured towards me. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest at the sound of her calling me her baby but I do my best to keep my cool.

"Damn, shes a cute one." Joker says, looking me up and down. I feel my stomach turns and it takes everything in me not to lose my lunch. He ushers us in and it's like a sudden attack on all of my senses. The neon lights blind me, the music is so loud that it almost feels heavy, like it is pushing back against me as we weave our way through the crowd. I keep a tight grip on Melody's hand until we are in a less dense and quieter part of the night club.

Melody turns around and grabs my face in hers, looking deep into my eyes before pressing her lips lighting against mine. I have to fight to get my breath back and can't help to bite my lip, I swear I'm falling for this girl.

"Do you trust me?" She asks. With my life.

"Yes. Of course I do." I say, looking into her eyes so that she knows I'm not lying. Melody links her pinky around mine, and starts walking towards what looks to be a hallway at the other end of the club, completely illuminated by pink. I see a hipster looking sign of light bulbs and I'm assuming they are meant to be signs showing which way is the men's and which way is the woman's restroom.

The hallway is covered in old polaroids of thousands of people who have been here, throwing up drunken piece signs and puckering their lips in duck faces. It's actually kind of cool.

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