Chapter Six

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I can feel an itch coming from my ankle and everything inside of me screams to scratch it. I look down at the big, ugly cast that is plastered on my leg and sigh, having to wear this stupid thing is almost literal torture.

"I still can't believe you're such a fucking klutz." Jayden says as she puts eyeliner on. We are in my room and planning on staying here so that I can catch up on my homework, what the hell does she need makeup for?

"Jesus, Jade , could you refrain from being a bitch for more than five minutes?" Declan asks, glaring at her from the foot of the bed. The two are only friends, if you could call them that, because of me. I don't even think they've ever hung out by themselves without me there, probably because I'm pretty sure that Declan secretly, or not so secretly hates Jade. I can't blame him, she's a hard pill to swallow, loyalty is just about the only reason that I still hang out with her, but more often than not she acts like she doesn't like me so I'm not positive what makes her stay in my life, because Jayden doesn't have a loyal or non selfish bone in her body.

"It's fine, she's right I should have been more careful. It has been hell being stuck in this stupid thing." I say.

"Oh, fuck that. Stop being so nice." Declan tells me sternly. Jade rolls her eyes and leaves the conversation where it is. One thing about her, she can dish it out but she definitely can't take it.

I haven't been to school in a few weeks since my accident, mainly because I don't want to have to attempt to wobble around in public on those impossible to use crutches, call me spoiled I don't even care, but I have to go back tomorrow before I get too far behind and suck up looking like a fool in front of everyone, at least I've gotten a little more stable and less clumsy on them. Declan has been bringing my homework to me ever since I've been out of school, but there's a big difference from learning it in class and trying to figure it out on your own, and I love Declan to death but he's definitely not the best teacher, I doubt that Jayden could put her eyeliner down long enough to pay attention to what she's supposed to be teaching in the first place.

"It's been hell trying to find someone to replace you." Jayden suddenly says, making a funny face while applying her mascara. Her comment makes both Declan and I jerk out heads up to look at her.

"Wait, what you mean replace me? I only have to wear this stupid thing for a few more weeks there is no reason to replace me." It's not like I'm out for the rest of the season. Jayden pouts out her bottom lip and gives me a sympathetic frown.

"Aw. Hun. We're cheerleaders, we can't wait a years and years for you to be feeling better. Don't worry, I promise you'll be on the top of the list next season." She says, then puts her makeup in her purse. "Well, I have to get going, good luck with..everything. Bye." Jade says with a perky smile and a girly wave.

I sit there completely dumb founded.

"Did my best friend just kick me off of the team for an injury I got during practice!?" I ask aloud, the pain in my chest making me almost completely forget that Declan is still here.

"Best friend? First of all, hurtful. Second of all, maybe it's a good thing? You were really only doing it for your mom." He points out. He isn't wrong, but I still can't help crying a little over loosing something that I've done for so long.

"I just worked so hard." I say, and immediately start sobbing. Declan sits next to me and embraces in me in a big bear hug. I lay my head against him, and almost instantly feel better. Wouldn't things be so much easier if I could just force myself to be in love with him? I can imagine it, high school sweet hearts, marriage, kids. The thought of sleeping with a guy makes my stomach turn and I quickly get rid of the idea.


I wake up by myself, at first not even realizing that I had fallen asleep in the first place. I look up at my headboard to see a hand written note from Declan saying that's sorry he had to go home and to call him when I wake up. I smile, and wonder what I did to end up with such an amazing friend.

I lay my head back on my pillow and allow just a few hot tears run down my cheek as I feel my heart breaking for all of the hard work and dedication I've put into cheering. I quickly whips my tears away when I hear a light knock at my door and see my mom peak her head into the door way.

"Hey girlie, you have another visitor are you up for it?" She asks, I wrinkle my brow.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"She said her name is Melody?" My mother replies and my heart jumps into my throat. No way. Why would she be here? How did she find out where I live? I haven't seen Melody since the day after my accident when she came to visit me in the hospital, which I was so hoped up on drugs that I couldn't even relish in the fact that she cared enough to come see how I am. I run my fingers through my hair, and wipe my fingers underneath my eyes to wipe away any makeup that my tears might have left behind.

"Yea, go ahead and let her in." I say, my mom smiles and disappears and my heart races as her face is replaced with Melody's. She is wearing a lose white t shirt, jeans and some boots, but I swear she looks more amazing than she ever has before. She takes my breath away as she slowly slides into the door why, smiling and holding up a hand in a wave.

"Hi. I just-I guess I just wanted to come see how you're doing." Melody states as she awkwardly stands in the middle of my room. Seeing her standing in front of me is so unreal that I secretly pinch my arm to make sure that I am not dreaming.

"I'm good. I actually go back tomorrow so I guess that means I'm doing better." I tell her with a large smile.

"Good! That's good. Honestly I feel so bad." She confesses, biting her lip as she does which makes heat rise from my neck and coat my face. Please don't notice how red my face just turned.

"Sorry for what?" I ask, confused.

"Well.." she starts slowly walking towards me as she speaks, ending up sitting at the end of me bed. "I noticed that when you saw me you kinda..." she let's the words trail off, and I know at this point she must notice that my face is as red as a tomato.

"Oh! That! Yea, no, you just startled me is all. Don't worry about it." I say, waving her off and hoping that she will just leave it at that. She looks like she wants to push the subject, but thankfully she doesn't. Instead she looks over at my desk, then gets up and grabs a marker.

"Can I sign your cast?" She asks and my heart flutters, there's no way to hide my smile.

"Of course." I giggled then clear my throats to try to cover up how silly I just sounded. I watch as Melody beautifully glides her name into my cast with a heart at the end that she takes her time to shade in and make three dimensional. Somehow she makes a signature look like a work of art.

"That's amazing." I say when she's done, admiring her calligraphy. Her hazel eyes sparkle as she smiles at me.

"Thank you. I broke my leg once when I was a little kid, I understand how much it sucks to look down at that boring, clunky cast. I hated it."

"What happened?" I ask. Suddenly her body language shifts and she becomes less open.

"I just fell, it was no biggie." Melody shrugs. I find her reaction strange but figure if she wanted to talk about it the she would, so I just try to keep the conversation going.

"Did your parents freak out? My mom lost her mind and I'm eighteen, I can only imagine if I was a kid." I say. With that she seems to completely close off from me and I don't understand what I said wrong.

"Uh. Just my mom. Yea she reacted..fine, I guess I dunno. Look, I gotta go. I'll text you, okay?" Melody says as quickly jumping off of my bed and running out of the door before I even have a chance to tell her goodbye. I'm starting to think that Melody leaving me confused and wondering what just happened is going to be something that occurs often.

As long as I have her in my life I don't mind.

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