Chapter Three

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Jayden ends up talking me into helping her move some of our cheer equipment into gym B, which is on the other side of the education building. Listening to her yammer on makes me space out to the point that I don't even realize how late I'm going to be for class. I ditch Jade without even telling her goodbye, and run as fast as I can to my first class. As I enter the school building and hear the warning bell ring I quietly curse under my breath. I book it down the hallway, knowing that my teacher, Ms. Hensler, will not let being tardy slide. Ms. Hensler is a plump older women with grey hair and little pink rimmed glasses who really should not have made spending massive amounts of time with young adults her career, considering how much she seems to hate all of us. I don't think I have ever seen her smile, and telling us how there is a very low probability of any of us becoming anything useful to the world is her main joy in life.

Every time that I seem to find a speed that will get me to class on time another student decides to step right into my way and either stands there or walks as slowly as they possibly can. It's like the later that I am to class the more people will stand right in the middle of the hallway like own the place.

"Don't you guys have class to go to or?" I ask as I shove my way through a large group of boys that have huddled in such a large circle that it's impossible to watch around them. I swear high school guys have to be the dumbest creatures ever put on this earth.

"I'm here!" I half shout as I run into Mrs. Henslers room a second after the tardy bell rings. The old women looks at me over the rim of her glasses, not at all as impressed as she should be that I even made it to this class to begin with.

"Sit." She commands, so I do, as quickly as possible and in the first seat that I can feel around me. I don't know what it is about this women but she scares the shit out of me.

Suddenly I am being pushed right back up and I realize that I must have just sat on someone.

"I'm so..." I start to say sorry, but then I see the flowing hot pink hair and lose my train of though. She's listening to headphones, I can hear rock music blaring from them, and giving me a scrutinizing look. Today she's wearing a tight red corset looking shirt, and tight black pants. It compliments her body well.

For a while I just stand there, and watch her watch me. She takes me in, and suddenly I feel self concious about everything, from the way I put my hair in a ponytail, all the way down to the color I decided to paint my toe nails.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, I wasn't paying attention." I stammer quickly, trying to explain myself. She squints at me and takes her headphones out.

"What?" She asks, rude and short, which for some strange reason only makes me more attracted to her. God, I really do have issues, don't I?

"Oh, your headphones, you couldn't hear, uh, I was saying-"

"Harper!" Mrs. Hensler snaps, saving me from making more of an ass out of myself.

"Take a seat, got it." I say, quickly running to the open seat two behind Melody. I put my head down on the desk and try not to die from utter humiliation.

Class seems to last hours, and I notice Melody peak back at me three or four times, I wonder if she's looking at me because she's interested or if she's wondering why I'm not in the special class.

"Before we leave, we are assigning our tutors." Mrs. Hensler says as everyone starts to stand up and pack up their notebooks. I let out a quiet groan. I completely forgot that I signed up to be a tutor this year. With my cheerleading, schoolwork, and my psychotic raging hormones I don't think that I'm going to be up for this.
I half listen to the assignments, just waiting to hear my name so that I can book it out of this classroom, hopefully without having to make eye contact with Melody.

"Last, Harper you're going to be tutoring Melody, so I guess it's good that you two got acquainted. Everyone read Chapter 19 and be ready for the quiz tomorrow." Mrs. Hensler states.

Melody looks directly at me, she looks pissed like it's somehow my fault that she needs to be tutored.

So I have to spend every day after school alone with Melody. Oh no, however will I live.
Melody irritatingly starts shoving things into her backpack as I walk up to her.

"Hello, again. I'm sorry about sitting on you earlier." I say, can she tell that my voice is shakey?

"Yea. Thanks." She doesn't even look up at me as she says it. I wave my hand near her face so that I can see her eyes.

"I need to know where you want to meet after school." I tell her, getting to the point since she obviously doesn't want to be having this conversation. Standing this close to her I can smell cigarettes and the same spicy body spray that she always uses, it almost smells like a cologne. Her makeup is always crazy, but beautiful. She could be one of those beauty guru's that you see all over YouTube. Her fake lashes almost reach her eyebrows, and her contour makes her cheek bones look so sharp that they could cut someone.

Melody looks up at me, her big beautiful eyes making me lose my breath for a second. She keeps looking at me, into me, as if she's reading my soul, then she rips a piece of paper out of her notebook and scribbles something on it before handing it to me.

"Just text me, I'm not sure where I'll be." And with that she slings her back pack over her shoulder and walks out. I look down at the paper with those beautiful seven numbers on it, yes I did double check to make sure seven were there.

Not exactly what I imagined when I thought about getting her phone number, but it will definitely do.

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