Chapter Fifteen

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I turn my my ankle back and fourth in the mirror, checking everything out. It's weird how much a cast can change you're body.

"You look like you have a baby ankle." Declan chuckles. I would pick the most insensitive ass on earth to be my best friend. I randomly grand a bracelet off of my dresser and throw it as close to his face as I can possibly get.

"Shut up! I'll take that over that stupid cast any day." I say. I hold my hair out of my face as I look down, watching as I put pressure on and off of the ankle.

"You're a weirdo." He says. I haven't seen much of Liam in the last few weeks, mainly because I've been spending almost every waking moment with Melody and no matter how much I beg he still refuses to hang out with the both of us. I've attempted to talk to both him and Melody about whatever happened to make them not like each other. She pretends not to know what I'm talking about, and he refuses to say anything until she does. At this point of left it, assuming that it was something on a need to know basis that someone would speak up and say something.

"No, I'm a free women that's what I am. Look at this." I say, then I start prancing around my room, kicking and twirling like a ballerina on crank. Declan chuckles and I land back on the bed next to him.

"Nice moves, I'm jealous." He jokes.

"As you should be." Declan stares off into the distance for a moment, obviously thinking about something, and I suddenly feel a little guilty. Saying that I've been putting my girlfriend ahead of my best friend would be an understatement.

"So, your girl busy or what?" He asks as if reading my mind.

"Yea she said she has some family thing she has to do today, but she's taking me out tonight." I say as I sit up on the bed, trying to hide my huge smile. I look at Liam and see his jaw tighten.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking down.

"I'm not really sure. She said it's kinda like an underground club that no one knows about." When I say that Liam shoots his head up to look at me.

"Do you think clubbing with her is a good idea?" He asks me, the vibe getting dark and heavy.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I ask.

"Don't act like you don't know about Melody's reputation. You're smart but this girl is making you to stupid. She's bad news, man." Declan tells me. I try to process the information but am just more confused, Declan smokes weed, parties and gets in fights just as much as she does, so why is he lecturing me right now?

"Wait, so you can go do whatever you want but the second I try to live a little I should stop? Besides she's not like that anymore, we are in a relationship she isn't going to do anything to jeopardize that." I explain, a little heated. I'm so tired of him not even giving her a fair chance.

Declan thinks for a moment, he looks like he wants to say something, but instead he puts his hands up on defeat. "I know there's nothing I can say, so please just be careful." With that he stands up.

"Really, you're leaving because of this?" I ask, disappointed since I have barely seen or spoken to him.

"Yea man, I got practice. Some of us still care about school you know." He says as he messes up my hair, something he knows I hate. It is true that I have been slacking a little in the school department, but I know that I can catch back up after the break that starts next week. I wave as Liam walks out and leaves me alone. It's weird having a moment to myself, when I say Melody and I have spent all of our time together I mean it. Enough for my mom to noticed, and she is never here so that's saying something. She gives me strange looks when she sees me in the kitchen now, almost like she knows exactly what's going on but isn't ready to talk about it yet.

I skip down my stairs, something I haven't been able to do in what seems like forever, and make my way into the kitchen to make myself a snack. A catch a glimpse of my wild hair in the mirror and make a face, Declan will mock my dancing but won't let a girl know that she's looking like a crazy person? What a pal.

I make myself a quick sandwich and inhale it is a I make my way back to my room to pick out an outfit for my date with Melody tonight. I send her a text, asking her to what I should wear, knowing that when she's with her family it always takes her a while to text back but hoping I'll get an answer before it's time to leave. I've never been clubbing before, I was kind of an uppity goody goody before Melody and I got together, the most I had ever done was smoke weed and I was shy about that. I laugh as I think back just a few months, Melody and I smoke pot daily now, it's like it's who I am now. At first it made me feel paranoid, now it makes my muscles relax and makes me feel calm and happy, literally like a mental medicine. I look down at the little table next to my bed and see the bowl that Melody bought for me. It's a beautiful glass piece with twisted colors of cotton candy pink and baby blue, it has specks of glitter throughout the swirls, and had two little glass balls near the carb. I'm absolutely in the love with it, and I love that every time I smoke out of it I think of her.

I stare at my closet for a good tens minutes before I get a text back from Melody that just says to wear something sexy. Well that doesn't help me.

I grab a lacy dark blue crop top that has long sleeves, I bought it over a year ago because I thought it was adorable but haven't had anywhere to wear it. I decide on that and a tight pair of jeans, hoping that's good enough. When Melody arrives I realize that it is now. When I open the door I look her up and down, and can feel my mouth hanging wide open. Her hair is teased so that it is big and wild, her makeup is flawless, a mix of hot pink and red eye shadows and glitters splash across of her eyelids, and her false lashes make her eyes look huge. She is wearing a small tight red tube top, and even tighter shiney red short shorts. Black fish nets and a pair of super fuzzy black boots make up the rest of the outfit, and to say she looks stunning would be an insult, she is the most amazing thing that has ever graced this earth and suddenly I feel self conscious in my own skin, I am definitely under dressed.

"You look...amazing." I say, breathlessly. I am the luckiest girl on earth.

"Well thanks baby." Melody says with a huge smile. She gives me a huge kiss on the lips, which throws me off guard because she isn't usually a very touchy person, and makes her way into my house.

"So, I need to change before we go." I state, already heading towards the stairs. She looks me up and down, making me feel self conscious, but she ends up biting her lip, making me feel a little better about things.

"About that, I have something for you." She says, reaching into a little back pack that is hanging off of her shoulder. She hands me a pair of black shorts and tights just like hers and I can feel myself blush.

"Oh no, I can't wear this." I say. "My ass is no where near as nice as yours is."

"Huuush, will you please just try them on?" Melody asks, a little snappy. I really don't want to put these things on, but of course I would do anything for her so I do it without complaint.

"Damn babe, you're looking fine as hell." She tells me as I awkwardly stumble out of my room. I'm wearing the same crop top as before, and I admit it does look good with the shorts, but it doesn't stop me from feeling uncomfortable.

"You think?" I ask, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Melody nods, a sexy smirk resting on her lips.

"I know." She says, then reaches out and takes my hand in hers. "C'mon, we're going to has some fun tonight."

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