Chapter Ten

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The sight of her laid out on my bed is something dreams are made of, literally, I've had this dream at least twenty times. She's wearing a pair of tight, white shorts that are frayed at the pockets, and a looks black tank top that allows her baby blue bra to play peak a boo every time that she makes a slight movement.

"I told you that I was coming." She states, making it sound like my question was stupid.

"Well, yea, but usually people use the front door." I say, peering over at my window that she obviously broke into. Melody tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and smiles up at me with that perfect, angelic smile.

"I'm not like other people." That's for sure.
Melody stands up and slinks around my room, taking everything on. Suddenly I'm self conscious about my childish, pink walls and the stuffed animals shoved into my bookcase along with Stephen King and Dean Koontz classics.

"Uh, so, studying?" I ask. She shoots me a strange look.


"We are going to study, right? That's why you're here?" I ask. If I didn't think that thought was totally crazy I would say that she almost looks disappointed at the thought of studying. "Or, did you want to talk about something?"

"No! No of course not. I'm here today study." Melody says in a 'matter of fact' manner. I look at her, and around the room to see if she has brought anything with her. I may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but I'm definitely not stupid.

"Really? Then where are your book and notebook?" I ask. Her face turns a light shade of red, and I can feet heat rise up my next at the thought of me being able to make her blush. I'm so into the moment that I almost can't feel my heart about to beat straight out of my chest.

"I-I forgot them?" She says, I don't think she meant to make it sound like a question. I can't help the smile that flashes on my face when I realize she came over because she wanted to hang out with me.

"Ok, well we can't really study if you don't have your stuff. So what else do you want to do?" I ask, letting her off of the hook from my barrage of questions. Studying isn't the first thing that is like to do with her anyway.

"What would you be doing if I wasn't here." Melody asks. Thinking about you. Do not say that out loud.

"Well...probably watching a movie?" I decide. She smiles at the thought.

"What about a scary movie." She suggests. My kind of women.

We spend the next thirty minutes reading through reviews and descriptions of different movies until finally landing on one made a few years ago. Melody is sitting so close to my on my bed that there is no way I am going to be able to lay attention to a second of this. I can practically feel her breath on me, I peak over and see her chest lightly moving up and down to the rhythm of her breathing, and I feel sparks start to shoot from somewhere they should not be. My breathing becomes heavier and suddenly my mind is invaded with thoughts of Melody on my bed naked, screaming my name and running her fingernails down my back...

"I'm gonna go make some popcorn!" I accidentally yell as I jump up, startling Melody and making her jump a little as well. I have to get out of here and catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" She asks with a worried look on her face.

"Yea, totally. Sorry. I just really like popcorn." I say, then instantly regret it. I am such an idiot.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Melody asks, the thought of the things I could do to her in the kitchen races through my mind.

"No! No. You say here, I'll just be a minute." I say and quickly run out of the room and down the stairs. Once in the kitchen I turn on the sink and practically dip my whole face underneath the stream to try and cool myself down. She is the only one that does this to me, and I wish that I knew how to make it stop, or at least how to control it.

I take my sweet time putting the popcorn in the microwave, taking advantage of every second I have to calm myself down, and take a couple deep breaths before making my way back up the stairs.

Melody is now laying with her long, tan legs propped up on my head board with her head upside down watching the movie. My heart feels like it literally stops beating when I realize that she is no longer wearing her take top, just her shorts and her baby blue bra. It's a wonder that I don't drop the bowl of popcorn.

"Uh, popcorn." Are the only words I am able to get out. It's completely normal for a girls to get undressed in front of each other Cas, you need to calm the hell down. Melody slides off of the bed and bounces over to me.

"Yay! Come sit, it's already pretty good." She says and she grabs my hand and leads me over to the bed, something she had done a millions times in my head. I think even she feels the sparks that fly when our skin touches, because she looks at me, and I swear I see a sparkle in her eye that was meant just for me.

We sit normally on the bed for a little while, and I try desperately to pay attention to the movie, shoving hand fulls of popcorn in my mouth to try and ease my nerves.

When Melody lays her head in my lap I almost choke on the popcorn I've just put into my mouth.

"Do you mind playing with my hair?" She asks innocently. Do I mind? Yes I mind! Are you trying to make me go crazy?

"Of course." I say. I can feel my heart beating in my throat as I start to run my fingers through her gorgeous blonde hair. You would think there would be at least a little damage with how much she died it, but of course Melody is a goddess so it's no surprise that her hair is as soft as a rose petal. She moans as I run my fingernails against her scalp, and, out of what I am assuming is instinct she arches her back, slightly rubbing her butt on me. Could she be trying to seduce me?

My question is answered when Melody turns her head to look up at me, grabs my face with her hands and pulls my lips down to hers. Words cannot even describe the feeling that runs through my as our lips move against one another. She starts to breath heavily and holds onto me as if her life depends on it. Is this really happening right now? I pinch the skin on my arm between my fingers just to make sure.

Melody reaches for my shirt, slowly sliding the sleeve on my right shoulder down. My hands make their way down to her stomach, and my fingers trace hearts around her belly button, until I slowly move them down.

Suddenly Melody pushes me off of her, making me slam my head against the headboard hard, and jumps off of my bed, picking her tank top up off of the floor and throwing it over her head as fast as she can.

"I have to go." She states. I'm so confused, what did I do? I thought everything was going amazingly.

"Wait! What? What happened?" I ask. She just shakes her head and runs for the door, I jump up and grab her hand. "Melody wait! I'm sorry I've never done that before!" I try to explain.

"Get off!" She yells, jerking her arm up and hitting me right in the eye in the process. The pain makes me stumble back and I grab onto my face. Melody just takes one more glance at me, then runs out of me door and down the stairs. She slams the door on her way out, and I fall to the floor, holding my face and crying, wondering what in the hell I did wrong.

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