Chapter Eleven

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I look in the mirror at the black and purple bruise that has formed under my eye and let out a sigh. I've tried for hours to cover it, but it seems like no matter how much foundation I use the ugly mark still makes its self known. I've waiting all night and all morning for a call or text for Melody, but I receive nothing. I even try calling her a few times and get sent to voicemail. I know that she didn't mean it. I know that if she say what she has done then she would feel horrible. I don't want her to see it, I don't want anyone to see it. I contemplate trying to stay home from school, but I missed so much when I broke my leg that I know that isn't even a possibility.

My mind keeps flashing back to last night, Melody's lips on mine.

She tastes like strawberries.

My heart breaks all over again as I think about her pushing me away, a feeling that I definitely do not want to get familiar with. My hand goes to the back of my head where I have a large bump from where I hit the head board.

"Harper, c'mon you're going to be late!" I jump a little when I hear my moms voice outside of my closed bathroom door.

"Okay!" I yell a little ruder than needed. I can't do that, it's not her fault that everything that I touch completely falls apart.

"What happened to you!?" My moms asks as I leave the bathroom. She's dressed in a grey women's suit, suitcase in hand which lets me know that she is about to head to work. She grabs my face in her hand and twist and turns it around, like the bruise is going to disappear in different lighting.

"Chill mom, I fell I'm fine." I lie as I jerk my face away from her and irritatingly start down the stairs.

"You fell? What do you mean you fell?" She asks, the concern pouring out of her words. I point down to my cast to make my point.

"I can barely walk mom, I fall a lot. This time I just caught my face." I explain my lie, feeling guilt for not telling the truth but knowing that I don't want anyone to think Melody would ever purposely hurt me. I can only imagine what my mothers reaction would be if I told her someone did this to me. Sue, sue, sue.

Thankfully that seems to work, even though the worried look never leaves her face, she kisses me on the forehead before walking out of the front door.

I am not looking forward to go to school today, I'd much rather just lay in bed all day and wallow in my own pity, and when on any other day I would be excited about the idea of tutoring Melody later on, the thought of having to sit in a room with her while she stares at the black eye that she accidentally gave me does not sound very fun.

I let out one more dramatic sigh before grabbing my back pack and hobbling out of the door. Let's get this over with.


Declan is the first to notice my black eye, at first trying to play it cool as to not make me feel self conscious, then finally just coming out and asking what happened. I stick to the story of me being a klutz and tripping over my own cast, which for anyone who knows me knows that that is totally a possibility. I purposely took my time getting to school so that I didn't have to go to my first period, the only one that I have with Melody, although she is barely there I didn't want to take the risk of running into her because I honestly don't even now what to say to her. I'm terrified that I took things farther than she wanted them to go last night and that now she might hate me.

"Damn, look at that shiner!" Declan's friend, Landon Moberly, says as he joins our conversation. I roll my eyes and try not to let my annoyance get the best of me.

"Gee, thanks." I say. Like I don't already feel self conscious enough. I see Declan hit Landon's shoulder, of course Landon stared at him blankly for at least ten minutes before he realizes what Declan is trying to get at.

"Oh shit! Nah, it totally looks hot. I love a girl that can scrap." He says as he puts up two fists and pretends to fight me. I roll my eyes and close my locker. Why do guys think that all girls want to hear that they are hot? That's probably one of the last things that I want to hear a guy call me. I drowned out the noise as Landon and Declan talk about something that I frankly don't care about. Before I even realize what's happening I feel a hand around my waste and see Melody's face in front of mine. My first instinct is to turn my face so that she can't see the bruise, but as soon I try she grabs my chin, turning my face towards her so that she can see it. I look into her eyes and see sadness. I knew that she didn't mean to do it.

"I am so, so, so sorry Harper. I hope you know that I didn't mean- I mean I would never do that to you on purpose" Melody reached up and grabs the side of my face, slowly stroking my cheek against her thumb "I would never do anything to harm this gorgeous face. I'm so sorry..." she lets the sentence drift off and I nod my head, completely understanding.

"Don't worry about it, okay? Everyone needs space and I totaled violated yours. I was just...confused." I admit. Melody looks down, avoiding my eyes.

"You don't want to do this." She says.

"Yes I do." I answer, a little too fast. She looks back up at me, he lips pressed tightly together in thought.

"Hey," I feel Declan's hand on my shoulder and turn to look at him, to my surprise his face has concern written all over it. "You good?" He asks.

"Yea? Of course I am." I answer, confused. I look at Melody and see that she is glaring at Declan. What in the Hell is going on.

"Do you guys know each other?" I ask.

"Nope." They both answer, quickly and at the same time.

"Okay, that wasn't at all suspicious..." I say, looking back and fourth between the two of them, waiting for one of them to tell me something. Neither once budges. Instead Declan lightly elbows me on the arm.

"I gotta go to class. Just be careful, alright?" He asks.

"Again, weird thing to say." I point out. He gives me a half smile and joins Justin a few feet away before they begin to walk down the hallway.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about?" I ask Melody.

"Sorry, don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I want to make it up to you. Be ready by six." Melody says before grabbing my chin in her fingers and kissing my lips lightly, in the middle of the hallway, in front of everyone. My heart does jumping jacks and I wish I could stay in this moment for all of eternity. For the first time ever, I don't care if anyone knows who I really am.

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