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Everything has a beginning, just like everything has an end.

But what if you start, but don't finish? Is that really an end? Or is it just an opportunity?

What if you have an end, but you never started? Are you real?

And what if you start, but finish unintentionally? Do you have another chance, or are you discarded into a pile of nothing for not finishing?

Well, it depends on what game you're playing. This, is the game of life.

They say, in the game of life, "You never know what you have until it's gone."

Well what if you knew what you had, then it was taken from you, and you realized, you never had anything in the first place? All the bad things just keep on coming, and they don't seem to stop? That, my good reader is called Karma. Because whatever you did to have such a thing happen to you, it happened for a reason.

I know from personal experience.

And finding out, wasn't easy.

Neither was what happened afterwards, when all light left the world, my words became silent, and nothing had a beginning, or an end.

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