~Chapter 3: The Day It Happened~

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Three years. Three whole years since I made my first deal. Deal with the devil that is...

I wish I could say my first was also my last, but nope. But hey- it was for a good(ish) cause!

What I didn't know when I went to kill someone, was that they were going to fight back...

Yeah, I got the scar on my cheek to prove that.

Unfortunately, there were other times I had to go back. Once, Leo actually died! I had to kill 15 people just to get her back! I was so traumatized!

I mean watching my sister die, not killing fifteen people. They can rot now, I don't care.

But you know, shit happens sometimes.

And by shit, I mean my utter nightmares.

"Leo, I'm home!" I crawled into the broken building from a crack in the boarded up door, a bag with some food in it at my side. "Well, as homey as this place can get..."

We had been there for three days, but we had to leave. The buildings in this district were being demolished in two days, and if the demolition guys came to inspect and saw two strange girls sleeping in a building they weren't supposed to be in, well! Guess who would go to jail and be executed! Me! So, no thanks!

I walked over to the spot where we slept, our sleeping bags still on the ground, but no sign of Leo. I looked around the old, raggedy room. Walls falling apart and a slight smell of mold wafting around. It was the same as before, but I had a small unsettling feeling. I walked into the next room, the room I left Leo in, and that's when I knew why I had that feeling.

The window she was standing by when I left was shattered. The wall next to the window had blood on it as well as a few bullet holes through the torn wall paper. Even worse was what I found on the floor. A piece of paper with red writing on it.

It wasn't just any red writing, it was made with blood. Who's blood? That was the question. I stared down at the piece of paper as the single word on it rang through my head, over and over.


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