~Chapter 1: The Beginning~

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Sometimes, people are forced to make a deal. A deal with an unstoppable force, who's stopped by a bigger unstoppable force. They call these 'people' Gods, Rulers. Rulers of what? Places called Heaven and Hell. At least, that's the most common term. There are different rulers, ones for different Countries, Cities, and even some towns have their own beliefs. But I digress. The one who makes deals, his name is Satan. Also known as Lucifer, the devil, Diablo, etc. The one who controls everything, his name is simply God. He knows everything, he created everything, and he is everything. Or so legend goes. Others have many different beliefs, but again, I digress.

I never truly understood why people would get so caught up in religion and faith. Doing everything they could to get where they think they belonged. Frankly, I didn't care where I ended up. I never had to time to. My schedule was: wake up, keep Leo safe, find food, run, find somewhere to sleep, sleep, wake up, and keep Leo safe. Day in, day out, 24/7, no exceptions. At least, that's how it was. Until one day, I woke up and tried to get Leo up, but she wouldn't budge...

"Leo, come on! Get up lazy pants, we don't have time for this. We need to find some food and hit the road before someone finds us." I told her sternly. In our horrible society, if you did wrong, you were immediately doomed. They would take you to prison, sentence you to death, whatever it would take to get you off this earth. Leo and I were homeless, we had to steal food and clothing, and hide out in abandoned buildings just to keep alive. Thievery and Trespassing. Yes, they were abandoned buildings, but we weren't exactly allowed in them. But it's all we had, all we could do.

She mumbled in her sleep and rolled on her side. She looked pale, and it worried me, "Leo, are you feeling okay?" I put my hand against her forehead, moving her light brown hair aside. Her forehead was extremely hot, way more than it should have been, "Oh my god, Leo! No, please don't tell me you've caught the sickness!" I almost felt tears fill the brim of my eyes.

The sickness was a horrible infection people were getting in this city. The sickness was almost so new that they hadn't even come up with a name for it. Not a super sciency one anyway.

It only affected a certain part of the city, but getting it was still one of the vilest things to happen to someone. It starts off like the common cold, then vomiting, coughing and migraines would trouble the person for hours, days even, driving them half insane. Soon they would slowly start coughing up blood and throwing up on an empty stomach, a very painful process. After that, they would start to lose feeling in their body, find it difficult to breath, and start to rot away, still half alive.

Picturing it happen to my little sister made me want to throw up myself. I couldn't let it happen, she was too young, too innocent to die, especially like this.

I ran to my bag immediately, pulling out book after book, trying to find the right one. Okay, so clothing and food weren't the only things we stole...

I finally found it! The book my mom gave to me the night she was killed. She said it was a book of spells, but I was never to use them. No, my mother wasn't exactly a witch, she just knew some spells, and she put them in a book just in case we would ever need them, but once she was done, she told me never to use them, under any circumstances. Well, sorry mom but I needed them now more than ever! I flipped through the pages trying to find a good spell.

"Stop time... No, but that might come in handy... Change the seasons... Spell if you forgot something...? Uh, nope... Change your eye color? Well I have always wanted blue eyes... Snap out of it, Nikki." I sighed, brushing my light brown hair out of my face and behind my ear. "Bring kindness to someone's heart? Don't think I'll be using that one any time soon..." I rolled my eyes, "Summon helpful Dragonflies? Why would I ever need-" Suddenly my eye caught the name of the next spell. "...Summon Satan...?"

I read the description, "Not as scary as he seems, is easy to reason with but very dangerous. Will not always ask for your soul, depends on the request. No matter what, DO NOT SUMMON!!" Despite the warning, I was going to do it. How could I not? It was the only choice I had, I had to save Leo, and I was not going to lose her. She was the only family I had left.

I read the spell in my head, it was pretty complicated to read, but I figured it out in due time. I stood up strait, the book in my hand, and read the spell out loud, "Καλώ τον διάβολο Σας προσκαλούν στο πλευρό μου με τη μία να περάσει μέσα από την πύλη!" I clenched my eyes shut as a bright light flashed before my eyes. Abruptly, the smell of fire and burning brimstone filled my nose as I opened my eyes. There before me stood a gigantic demon, sitting in a chair big enough to fit him. He was red, scaley, and had huge black horns. His long slender face had a smirk upon it.

"Ah," He spoke, "Nikki Renolds. I've been waiting for you."

And this, is how it all began.

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