~Chapter 5: Another Murder Occurs~

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I stared at the dead and decaying body that was laying on the ground next to a piece of paper. The paper had the same word as always, 'Karma'. It seems we had gotten another attack from the infamous gang. They were attacking a lot these days, finding more people crossing their path than normal.

Somehow, I was still alive. Been trying to find the leader of Karma and kill them from the very beginning, yet somehow they hadn't decided to kill me yet. Wrong idea for them, I'm close, I could feel it.

I grabbed the radio at my chest and reported back to headquarters, "HQ, come in HQ. I have news on a new murder."

Static came from the radio until a voice over powered it, "Really?! You're kidding! Who was it this time? Bloody Brothers or Karma?" my best buddy, Anthony, beamed from the other side.

"Karma," I answered. I looked around the old subway I found the body in.

"My god, another one?" I could hear him typing on his computer.

"Yeah, they've been pretty active lately."

"Tell me about it. The boss has been up our asses for weeks about this! Anyway, Ben, where are you? You're not showing up on the radar."

"I'm in an underground tunnel, the old Carrey subway? It's probably jamming the signal."

"Makes sense... So, I'll tell the force, they'll get some guys down there as soon as they can. What Subway system was it again?"

"The Carrey Subway, the one that was shut down due to malfunctions where trains derailed. There was a big report about it on the news about 10 years ago."

"If you say so... Alright, I've got people on the job now, they'll be there in about 3.45 minutes."

"Sheesh, you're as much of a nerd as always."

"And you're still the same asshole. Stay there until the team gets there, then high-tail your ass back to HQ. We still got a report to finish and I ain't doing it alone."

"Alright, alright... "

Just another normal day full of murder, mystery and annoying people.


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