chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"cool, what did she want? i responded still tucking into my breakfast, even though I all of a sudden really didn't feel like eating, but I didn't want her to know it bothered me, even though it must have been really obvious it nearly killed me.

Whitney looked suprised, i obviously pulled off the 'not caring' thing better than I had thought.

"She just wanted to know when you could come to collect the rest of your bit's from hers?" This time she looked at me curiously to see if i reacted the same way.

"Ok ill go over after breakfast" I said picking my plate up and standing, before walking over to the kitchen sink to rinse my plate off. God why was this so hard. I thought to myself, it's been ages get over it Scarlett! I mentally scolded myself.

'Thanks for breakfast' I smiled at whit heading to my room, I closed my bedroom door behind me. I lent against my door for a few seconds to gather my thoughts, before heading to my bedroom dresser and grabbing my sunglasses off of the top. I slid them on top of my head before checking what I looked like in the mirror. Hot I smirked to myself before heading out.

" See you tonight whit, are we still going to diamonds?" I asked rummaging through my handbag to find my car keys.

" yeah ill meet you here at 7pm" she said smiling at me from the sofa, she was watching some quiz show on the telly.

Diamonds was a lesbian bar we often went to with our freinds.

I left the house and got in my car. I sat their for a few minutes to make sure that i was totally calm, and wiped all feelings for Aster out of my head so that she wouldn't see that i still cared when i got to her's. I pulled down the sunblock which had a mirror, i ruffled my hair slightly as it looked too tidy and applied more lip gloss, before starting the car and driving off towards Aster's.

I arrived at Aster's within ten minuets. She only lived down the road. I turend my car off and walked up her drive towards the front door. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard i thought i was going to faint. I knocked on the door and waited. I then Knocked again  but still no awnser, so i made the assumption that she had obvioulsy gone out. I pulled my bag off my shoulder and pulled out my old keys for her house which i hadn't returend yet. I was actually quite relived at the thought that she wasn't here, I don't think I'm ready to see her yet anyway, I thought to myself putting my keys in the door and unlocking it.

The house was quite when i stepped through the front door, a flash of relief came over me, i knew i couldn't handle seeing her just yet, so the fact she wasn't here was good, although at the same time I couldn't help being disappointed that I wasn't going to see her. God I'm a walking contradiction, I thought to myself . I headed up the stairs to mine an Asters old room. I opened the bedroom door and walked in to grab my stuff before she got back.

"Shit! Sorry i didn't think you were in" I said as i saw Aster and some girl i thought I recognised laying naked.

Aster quickly turend around and looked at me " Immy.. W.what the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Sorry i just came to collect my stuff" My chest felt like  it was going to explode.

I quickly rushed out the bedroom. Slamming the door behind me, I paused for a second, my mind was going at 150mph, just breath I thought to myself. I slowly walked down the stairs and sat on the sofa placing my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down. I felt tears welling in my eyes but i was determined i wasn't going to cry. I heard someone coming down the stairs...

Hey guys :) Thankyou if you have been reading this. This paragraph was longer but i needed to get that bit done otherwise the next paragraph would be HUGE lol :) Anyway please give me some feedback on wether you like the story or what i could do to improve it. Thanks please comment and vote x

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