Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

When i got home i just headed straight for my room, and threw myself on my bed. I looked at my clock and saw it was only ten past 3 so i had about 4 hours before whit and i had to go meet everyone at diamonds. I put my ipod on and evanescence came on, memories flashed through my mind of back at Asters house. I felt someone stroking my hair and opened my eyes, Whit was sat their looking at me with a concerend expression.

" Babe please dont cry, what happend?" She asked softly still gliding her hands through my hair.

I touched my face and realised i had been crying. "I walked in on Aster and Katie" i said with a blank epression. Staring into space.

" Oh baby girl" she said before pulling me up to her and wrapping her arms around me. Resting my head on her shoulder and kissing the top of my head.

" I just dunno what to do anymore Whit! I just wanna die" a said crying into her neck.

" Hey, it will be okay? your a strong girl look at all you've been through im sure you can get through this" she said stroking a tear off my cheek with her thumb.

I had been through alot but for some reason this hurt ten times more than any of it, i felt like my heart was being stabbed repeatedly, but i just agreed and gave a weak smile. After about ten mins i told whit to clear of so i could get ready cheeckly and she smiled before leaving.

I picked up my phone which was laying on my bed, and clicked on asters name.
To: Aster
"How could you! I trusted you... I loved you, and you completely shattered my heart for what?! Katie!! I just hope your happy, because you've made more miserable than I even thought was humanly possible!
I pressed send and throw my phone back on the bed.

" I can't deal with this pain" i thought. I slowly got up and opend my bedside draw and pulled out a little see through bag filled with a white powder, 'coke the only person who truly loves me' I chuckled to myself fighting back the tears. I knew i shouldn't as this is why im in this state already but i just needed something to make me forget. I went into my bag and pulled out my credit card and set up a line of coke on my cabinet, i quickly snorted the line up and laid back on my bed as my thoughts drifted off to a happier place.

As I led there in my bed I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up and looked at the screen.
From: Aster
"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you, I'm worried about you. Can we meet and talk? Please I need to see you!"
I chucked my phone back on the bed fuck you I said allowed. Before sitting up and racking up another line of coke. I needed more the feelings were still there. I didn't realise what a bad idea this all was until it was too late!

To see a video of the cast so far go to this links thanks :) link:

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