3 Late nights*

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February 2nd, 2014

I felt bad after what happened with Onika but every time I tried to apologize she would zone out.

I sighed I was on my way to pick up the Chinese food that I had ordered an hour ago.

Me and the girls were suppose to meet up tonight.

We were going to have a little get together.

I felt my phone buzz as I parked.

I answered it already knowing it was Kelly she was so impatient.

"Hel-" Kelly quickly cut me off.

"Where are you?" She says loudly.

I chuckled.

"I'm at Lings Wings picking up our food Kels hush."

"Hurry up I'm hungry and Michelle over here getting on my nerves she keep damn talking."

I burst into laughter walking into the restaurant.

I gained a few eye glances.

I hear Michelle in the back talking junk.

"Bye Bey cause me and Michelle about to fight." She laughs.

I laugh too while I ended the call, placing my phone into my MK handbag.

"May I help you ma'am?" A short Asian man that greeted me as I walked up to the register.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Yes. I had a call in for Knowles."

"Oh oh, yes ,wait here please." His accent was so thick I could barely understand him.

I nodded. I watched him go through the back.

Then I heard loud talking it was getting closer. It was faint but it sounded like it was coming from through that door the man had went through.

"Su Ching you have one more time to fuck with my money and I'ma bust a cap in Yah ass. You really think I'm playing with you about my money huh." I heard a smacking sound. I flinched a little when I heard another person groan.

I looked around and it seemed as if I was the only person hearing it.

I didn't want to get involved with whatever was going on back there I just wanted my food and to leave.

"You got 24 hours to have my money or that's your ass."

I heard the footsteps coming closer.

I wanted to look down but I didn't, I stared intensely at the door.

And out walked Onika?

What the heck was she doing in there.

"Onika." I greet her.

She hadn't noticed me but she looked up when she did.

She was coming from behind the counter.

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