30 The Date

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June 8th 2014,

I went home and changed my outfit and put my hair up

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I went home and changed my outfit and put my hair up.

Bey wouldn't mind if I was only a smudge bit more late.

After changing I hurriedly got to my car typing the location into my GPS.

I looked around and my eyes landed on this gigantic building.

The parking lot was slammed packed and I had to find a parking spot far from the building.

I don't know why I never noticed this before and I've been living in New York my whole life.

I guess it's because this is on the really nice side of town.

I pretty much lived in the projects all my life except for now since I have my own shit.

Once I parked I started walking the quick journey to the entrance.

Once I arrived there was a man standing there dressed in a nice suit.

"Hello ma'am." He smiled politely as he held the door opened for me.

I smile back sending him a quiet thank you.

I walked inside and it was a giant fish tank like wall with a lot of different sea creatures.

I followed along the wall until I was face to face with the greeter.

"Hi , my name is Amanda how may I assist you ma'am?"

"Ummh I'm suppose to be meeting some one here." I say confused.

"Oh so reservations..." She smiled and grabbed her clipboard.

"What name might these reservations be under."

"Beyoncé Knowles." She began flipping through the clip board papers.

"Hmm Knowles... Knowles... Oh here we are Reservations for two looks like she's waiting for you. You can follow Jonathan right here to your table."

I nodded and followed behind the tall man.

This place was very upscale you could tell by the chandeliers and the way everyone was dressed in either a suit or a fancy dress of some type.

Jonathan abruptly came to a stop causing me to nearly run into him.

He stepped aside and revealed Beyoncé smiling brightly at me looking as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her.

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