35 Big Silent Family

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August 16th,2014

I limped over to my car I had gotten my boot off yesterday but my doctor told me to still be careful on my ankle, my scabs began to fall off so my arm was coming back to normal

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I limped over to my car I had gotten my boot off yesterday but my doctor told me to still be careful on my ankle, my scabs began to fall off so my arm was coming back to normal.

Nika had just went home she said she had to go wash  clothes or something and she wanted me to come to her house later.

Right now I was on my way to meet up with Kelly.

I know it's probably nothing but trouble but I really need to talk to her about what happened I really didn't appreciate her coming on to me.

I didn't tell Nika about it because I knew she'd shit a brick but I will when I get to her house.

The drive to Lin's Café was pretty quick, Lin's is a little ranky dank shop that was on the corner but they sold amazing Lattes.

As I pulled up I took a deep breath.

I stepped out of my car carefully.

I looked at Kelly through the dirty glass window and she smiled.

I walked in and took a seat across from her.

She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Bey I'm sorry."

I nodded I didn't want to hear that I need and explanation.

"Kelendria I need a fucking explanation what the hell where you thinking?"

"I was thinking about you ...Bey, you need to trust me when I say Onika is no good for you she's nothing but trouble, she has demons that you neither me or you could handle as a team."

"So who's good for me then? Huh Kelly is it you huh? No, and I don't give a damn about her demons.... that woman loves me harder then anybody I have every been with."

"Woman?" Kelly scoffed

"Hardly she's 18 she ain't no damn woman.... she's a teenage girl and you sitting over her fucking her."

"Kelly, sh- you know what I don't have to explain anything to you...that's my girlfriend and if you can't respect my choice then I don't think we can be friends anymore."

Her eyes widened.

"Wow really Beyoncé you're choosing a little ass girl you just met over me, kelendria, who've you known for years."

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