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Walking down the halls, once again, without Maya.
I absolutely hated it.

I walked to my locker, spotting Maya sitting alone.
I walked up to her, but before I got a chance to talk to her, someone sat beside her.



Who is that?

I walked back to my locker, confused as ever. I took out my books and stared at Maya and that girl.
The girl had shoulder length black, curly hair, and her skin was that of a Jamaican's, dark brown, like chocolate.
I was starting to wonder if Maya had gotten over me.
My thoughts were disturbed by the bell ringing.

I walked into my father's class -- As always -- and sat at my desk.
No smile.
No book.
No happy.

I was silent, staring at my hands, fiddling with my friendship ring.

Do I even deserve this ring? I mean, it seems like Maya's moved on.

I held back the tears I feared so much.
Me and Maya's friendship was the most important thing to me, even if it seemed like we hated each other.

Maya walked in, with that girl.
Figures she'd be in this class, the important ones always are.

My dad walked in, staring at me in confusion.
He then pointed to the board.
Maya jumped.
I jumped.
No one else did.

"Relationships have a powerful impact on everyone's life. Friendships, romantic relationships, hateful relationships, and every other will have an effect on your choices."
I caught a glimpse of Maya looking at me, but it might've just been my imagination.

The terrifying lesson was over when the bell rung.

Thank god

I walked up to Maya, but, once again, the other girl came before I could.
I decided to go up to Maya anyway, since it's the best chance I've got.
"Hey, Maya." I said, awkwardly.
Maya turned around, her glance turning to her shoes as soon as she saw me.
"Oh, hey." She answered with a smile, her eyes shooting back up to mine.
I smiled.
"Who's that?" I asked.
Maya looked over to the girl.
"This is Angelique." She announced.
I nodded and stuck out my hand.
"I'm Riley." I said, smiling.
Angelique giggled and shook my hand.
"I know." She answered, her tone full of joy.
She seemed to know about me, probably because of Maya.
"Yeah, well we gotta go." Maya said, walking towards the door.
I nodded and forced a smile.

One day, I stumbled into Angelique. We talked for a while and became friends.
The other days were torture.
When I was busy, Maya and Angelique always giggled and talked.

Is this... jealousy?

No, you're thinking too much.

Whenever that happened, a wave of depression washed over me, making me feel awful.

When I hang out with Angelique, Maya is always there, which surprised me at first, but didn't after the first couple of hangouts.

Angelique came through the window one day, just like Maya.
She sat to the right of me,
just like Maya

She looked at me with curious eyes, her lips were parted.
"Hey, Riley."
"Hi, Angelique." I was nervous.
"Um..." She took a deep breath.

I was very nervous

"I came here... To ask you something." She announced.
I forced a smile.
"Well... I..."
My smile lessened.

"I want to know... If... I should..."
She inhaled.
"Ask Maya out."

She said, the words flying out of her mouth like lightning.

I froze.

My smile disappeared.
My happiness drained.
I was hopeless.

Angelique frowned.
"What's wrong?" She asked,
I smiled.

Author's note

I was sick all week and working on this at home in tiny pieces. I'm so sorry for being so slow, but it's because of sickness sooo...
This chapter was exciting because @stalia17 gave me the idea of having this other person (Angelique) that liked Maya.
thank you for this idea, because if I didn't have it, this chapter would just be Riley crying. Wow, this is long, so bye!

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