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I was sitting in my room.
I had bags under my eyes and my nose was red.
Anyone would be able to find out what I was doing.
I wiped my tears and went to grab a snack.
Luckily, my mom's not home to see me in misery.
I walked back to my room after grabbing a tiny bag of chips.
Walking back into my room, I see Riley sitting on my bed.

Oh no

She smiled.
"You need to express yourself to me, there is no replacement for me." She said.
I sat down on the floor.
She got up and walked around me.
"I'm waiting in my room, probably forgetting about you, or crying about you. Who cares, I wouldn't know, since I'm a figment of your imagination."
I grunted.

I hated when this happened.
Riley would show up somewhere, mock me, and then I would always get closer to kissing the real Riley after.
Just last week, I was in the library with Riley, and I got close to her face. I should've kissed her, but I didn't.

I rolled my eyes.
"I don't need you pestering me, you're fake. If I could, I would kiss you." I answered.
She smiled deviously.
"Why don't you try?"
I glared at her. "All I'm doing is kissing the air, no thanks."
The false image of Riley sat on the floor in front of me.
"Do it." She demanded.
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, but only for an experimental purpose."
I leaned in, my hands cupping the air.
My lips were about to touch hers, it felt real.
When our lips were about to touch, she disappeared into thin air, not a trace left of the imaginary vision.

Of course

Of course my mind would trick me.

I decided to go get a full meal at a restaurant to clear my mind.
Before leaving, I wiped my face full of tears and put on my coat.
I walked out of the building, snow falling onto my head as soon as I walked out.

I walked to the nearest fast food building in the area.
I walked into the shortest line, hoping to get out quickly before the snow piled too high.
I waited in line as I noticed a brunette was standing in front of me.

Of course


I accidentally dropped my phone, causing Riley to instantly turn around and help.
I picked up my phone.
"Thanks, Riles."
She smiled
"Maya, I-"
I cut her off.
"Riley, I just need some time."
She smiled.
"That's fine."
She then walked over to the restroom.
Soon after, I followed her.

I said I needed some time, and then I follow her? Way to show a point, Maya.

I heard sobbing coming from one of the shiny, green stalls and walked over to it.
I sat down in front of the stall, looking down at my hands as I listened to Riley break down.

"Y'know, I don't hate you, Riles.
I'm just scared of your opinion, that's all."
The sniffling came to a stop, causing a small smile to form on my face.
"I sit around in my room, thinking that I'm not good enough for you, or anyon-"
This time, I got cut off.
"Maya" Riley blurted out.
"Yes?" I answered.
I heard her coat shuffle around, probably caused by her crossing her arms.
"Angelique came by, and..."


"And now you're in love with her, right? Of course. Everything goes crashing down for Maya Hart once again."
I sighed, hearing a laugh come from the stall behind me.
"Maya, stop overreacting. The thing is..."

Here it comes

"She wants to ask you out."


I was scared, confused, angry.
My eyes widened.
"You told her to, didn't you, and now I have no say in this? I guess you really don't feel the same way about me."
I laughed.

Why do I do this to myself?

I heard a giggle come from the other side of the stall.

I soon felt the cold sensation of the stall door remove from my back, replaced with warm, tan hands turning me around.

Riley pulled me in, our lips connecting.

It was a dream come true

The warm feeling of Riley's plump lips against mine was all I asked for.
I ran my fingers through her brown hair as our lips slowly started to part.

"I told her no."

Who would've thought my first kiss would be in a bathroom


I'm so sorry I've been late! I'm incredibly busy with school because I was sick last week and had to do make up work for my absence. So here is what you have been waiting for, or some of you.
I will probably add some more chapters, and then bonus chapters afterwards. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See ya in the next chapter!

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