2: Red Images

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You pull the plug for the bath water to drain out. You stood there in your bathrobe and watched the water spiral down. You go over the events that occurred about an hour ago. What kind of a name is Kilgrave? She threw him through that glass door...What did he mean he "commands people"? I'd let him command me. Your deep thoughts begin to overwhelm you. It's happening again, you can feel it beginning. Scattered images and fragments of voices and noises flood your brain.

[You hear a rattle from your apartment door. You approach it and put the door on the chain latch.

"Who is it? What do you want? It's late." You brush your fingers through your freshly washed hair and scoop it to one side.

"Open the door" You hear a familiar voice from the other side. You're compelled to do so and before you could stop to think whether that was a good idea, one hand undid the chain latch and the other was turning the door knob.

"Hello _____." Kilgrave was stood in front of you.

"What just happened?" You referred to how only the words this man spoke; somehow compelled you do something you were questioning doing not seconds before. It was like your body and mind were separate. Kilgrave took your question as one aimed at the situation prior, involving Jessica and a glass door.

"Oh that? Don't worry about it. Ex-girlfriend, it ended badly. What happened to your wet-tshirt?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Forget it, you're wet hair is even better. You're going to let me in now." Kilgrave waited for you to step aside and you did. When he pushed past, his expensive cologne lingered. The pleasant scent filled your nostrils as he walked into the lounge/dining room/kitchen.

"Quaint little place you've got here." He stood in the middle of the lounge area facing the large windows and slid his hands into to the pockets of his expensive suit.

"What do you want?" Your demanding tone caught Kilgrave off-guard. He spun around to face you.

"I want to see you in that purple underwear."

"Excuse me?" Your cheeks started to burn.

"Not right now, obviously. Eventually. Maybe?" He removed his eggplant coloured blazer and placed it neatly on one of your breakfast barstools, and made himself comfortable on your sofa. He tapped the seat next to him.

"Sit. Don't be shy." You're upper body was cautious but your legs and feet were pulling you closer to him. You watched him watch you approach. He was admiring your shiny naked legs. You took a seat next to him.

"You smell lovely" Kilgrave remarked as he leaned over and inhaled deeply very close to your neck. He pulled away seconds later. Your heartbeat rose and you held your breath to not show any signs of pleasure. What was he doing? What were you doing? You hardly know this man. Why did you obey everything he's said so far? Does some part of you want to obey him? His physical appearance and confidence was insanely attractive. There was no doubt about that. Your mind wondered of having casual sex with him. Why not? You're new in the city, you're bored. You've never done something like this before, but you didn't feel shy in Kilgrave's presence. Being sat next to someone who you find attractive, wearing nothing but a bath robe did however make your throat dry. You cleared your throat.

"Don't be so tense. Relax." Kilgrave put his hand on your knee. It was strangely calming. You looked up at him. Even sitting down he was a giant. His deep chocolate eyes were darting back and forth from your lips to your eyes. You exhale with pleasure as his hand started to make its way up your thigh. His face was closer to yours now; you could feel his breath on your lips.

"Do you want this?" He breathed; his hand was inching its way in between your legs.

"...yes." you breathed back and grabbed a bunch of his thick hair on the back of his head to pull him closer for your lips to finally make contact. Upon pulling him nearer his hand applied pressure to your clit. You moaned with ecstasy. Kilgrave took this as a sign to begin. He started to massage your area vigorously. He teased you with his fingers. You tried to catch your breath in between moans and kissing his soft lips. His tongue was dominating yours. His mouth retreated back to your neck to begin biting and kissing, slowly making its way down to your breast. You scrunched a bunch of his glossy brown hair in your hand as a sign of pleasure which made him groan. He unbuttoned some of his shirt and pulled it up over his back and threw it on the floor. You started to undo Kilgrave's belt and unzip his pants. Softly you stroked his penis up and down the shaft. He growled and dug his head deeper into your neck. When you sped up he reunited with your lips. Kissing you harder, then he started to insert his fingers inside you. You froze, your eyes rolled back and your head snapped back, narrowly missing a thump on the head from the wall behind the sofa. You had no control over leaving scratch marks on his warm naked chest or trembling when his speed increased. Your whole body was on fire. You grabbed the couch cushions for support as your legs were now jelly. His stubble scratched your cheek and you felt his breath on your ear now.

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