13: Cold

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~Author's Notes~
Whoo has it been a hot minute! As Sarah Rae Vargas would say. Seriously though how long ago did I post the chapter before this one? February? I'm so sorry. I haven't been in the mood to write.
For being so late, I made this chapter extra long and juicy for all of you, my babies! (3,974 words wat). Thanks for sticking around for this long. I really do love each and every one of you and I hope you enjoy reading it. ✌


Negative. Of course, I'm not very likely to get pregnant in these circumstances. It's not like Kilgrave has super sperm or something! What the heck was I so worried about? I got what I wanted... then why do I feel as though someone's punched me right in the gut? You stare down at the piece of plastic in your hand. Kilgrave's hand moves from yours that's holding the pregnancy test, to wrap his arms around your body. He gives you a squeeze.

"There! See, nothing to worry about. Negative just like you wanted." Kilgrave says with a smile, you don't respond. He pulls away and looks at you to study the look on your face. "_____?"

"I'm fine! Yeah-dodged a bullet there!" You laugh still not looking anywhere in Kilgrave's direction. He laughs with you but still senses you're not being entirely truthful. He bites his lip and pulls away to run his palms down his thighs to tap his knees.

"Right, I'll start putting the shopping away. What do you feel like tonight? Spaghetti? I fancy spaghetti." Kilgrave leaves the uncomfortable atmosphere and assumes you'll join him in the kitchen shortly. You're still sitting on the side of the bath studying the pregnancy test. Why do I feel like this? That was the result I wanted. You throw the pregnancy test in the bin and hear Kilgrave's voice from the kitchen.
"So you're just going to let me put ALL this shopping away ALL by myself?" His playful tone makes you smile. You enter the kitchen and watch him struggle with groceries in his arms. You start reaching for items from the bags on the counter. When your back is turned to Kilgrave, he slips his empty hands around your waist. His touch makes you take in a sharp breath. You smile as he rests his chin on your shoulder.

"You alright?" You could hear his beautiful accent very close to your ear.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just a bit shaken up with the whole pregnancy thing y'know" You rub Kilgrave's hands that are resting on your stomach.

"I understand... but, I can't help but feel slightly insulted."

You laugh and turn to face him. "Why?"

"I don't know. It's as though you couldn't stand the notion of being pregnant with my child. I had this feeling that you felt repulsed-" Kilgrave shrugged and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. He always did that when he felt anxious or uncomfortable. It was a quirk of his you liked.

"Stop." You'd interrupted him which prompted a lift from his brows. How could he think that? You assume Kilgrave's doubts must have manifested from his relationship with Jessica. You didn't mind talking about her and when they were together, but it wasn't your favourite topic of conversation. Kilgrave gathered this about you and so didn't bring it up often; he didn't like it when you'd talk to him about past relationships either. He was the jealous type, some people are. You just accepted it, as long as he wasn't too possessive. He's gotten much better than when you two first started up. Kilgrave trusted you enough after year and a half and he had no problem talking to you about his feelings. You quite liked the sound of his accent and loved the way it made him feel after getting whatever it was off his chest. His chest is very nice.
He needed someone to listen. It took quite a while for him to come around as he's never had complete trust in anyone. In this brief moment you think back to one of your talks; Kilgrave opened up and admitted every time Jessica told him how repulsed and disgusted by him she was, a small piece of him died inside. Even though he'd never ever show it, it broke his heart. He started to believe he was repulsive. His doubts are always there, even though he was now with you. They'd claw at the back of his mind. It was as though he was waiting for you to say how this was all a big joke on him and you were actually as disgusted and repulsed by him as Jessica was. Your eyes stared into his big brown ones looking down at you.

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