3: Pretzel Courage

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The rusty springs of your cheap bed let out a scream as you move to turn away from the sunlight leaking in through your curtains. Just five more minutes. You eyes are still closed but as much as you resist opening them, your body is well rested. In your frustration you snap them open. 11:30am. You slink from the warmth of your bed and throw on some clothes you found in your duffel bag. A soft grey hoodie, some black skinny jeans and an old pair of converses. You run a brush through your hair, shove your mp3 player and headphones in the pocket of your hoodie and some cash into the pocket of your skinnies. After locking up, you turn and double take the bathmat slumped up against the wall. You decide to deal with it later as your stomach was crying for sustenance. You're walking head down trying your hardest to get your headphones to stop being tangled, before bumping into someone and being knocked back more than usual.

"Hey watch it" You look up to where the voice was coming from. It was Jessica. Jesus she was so beautiful, even the small bags under her eyes were pretty...What?

"Sorry. My fault, I wasn't looking where I was going. My brain gets a bit slow when I haven't had food." You laugh and try your best to be sincere. You had a feeling you really didn't want to get on this woman's bad side. Jessica was still frowning at you, analysing you.

"It's fine. Just look where you're walking in future. You could bump into someone who isn't as understanding." You weren't sure if this was sarcasm or some advice. She also seemed distracted. Before walking away she pulled her hood up like she was on a mission.

You followed her down the corridor and stairs. She slipped on her fingerless gloves before placing her hands into her hoodie pocket. Do fingerless gloves keep your hands warm? You didn't want her thinking you were following her, you weren't. This is just the only way out of the building. You try to distance yourself, before realising you were both heading to the same location; Central Park. You enjoyed your walk listening to your music. You arrived and remembered a friend of yours once told you about these warm pretzels he'd got from a street vendor in Central Park. You were hunting for pretzels and so lost sight of Jessica. After finding one you bought your warm pretzel and hot chocolate and sat on the bench opposite to people-watch. You chomped on the pretzel and watched this shifty looking guy. He kept glancing in a certain direction you weren't sure of. He would advance every so often so it wasn't noticeable unless you were discreetly watching his every twitchy move. You often try not to judge people until you get to know them, but this man didn't look healthy. His face was washed out, had no colour in it and he would scratch at his head, face and neck every so often. This irritable man was making you anxious. What was he going to do? He was edging closer to a tall man with dark hair who was reaching for a magazine from a stand. Is he going to steal his wallet? You removed your headphones and watched. The magazine merchant began to raise his voice.

"Hey! This isn't a library pal." The merchant was shorter but stockier than the taller man but that didn't stop him tugging rather aggressively on the taller man's coat. The junkie had stopped. It looked like he was waiting for the taller man.

"I said this isn't a library." Repeated the merchant whilst the taller man rotated slowly and looked at him expressionless. It was that guy, Kilgrave or something who Jessica threw through her door. She should probably get that fixed.

"Pick up that coffee. Throw it in your face." You couldn't believe what you'd just witnessed. It was so sudden and you're shocked at Kilgrave's lack of remorse. He just told that man to do it and began to walk away like it was nothing. You gasp as the merchant's face started to blister as he clutched at his steaming face. You leave your pretzel and hot chocolate on the bench and stomp over to the scene.

"What is wrong with you?!" You demand. You're confused as to why every passerby is ignoring the situation. Maybe it's because you're new to the city and probably should have done the same. You try to help the scolded man but he just bats away your hands and staggers off. Kilgrave is surprised at this act of courage (or stupidity) and turns to face you. The junkie is at his side and is already staring at you.

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