14: Feelings

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~author's notes at the end of the chapter~

Jessica? Why could you see Jessica Jones? You focus your eyes on her in the distance. She's rocking what looks like a towel in her arms in an empty room. She's about 20 feet in front of you. You approach her for some answers and she looks up to greet you with a smile. It looks foreign and it makes you go all cold; she hardly ever smiled but you reciprocated the gesture. She's wearing her winter coat, jeans and boots. She hands you what she was holding in her fingerless-gloved-hands, you're hesitant at first and Jessica frowns with confusion.

"_____ take it. It's yours." She says in an angelic voice. You gingerly hold your hands out to receive the item. Jessica positioned the towel in your arms gently. She puts her index finger up to her wet lips and makes a long, quiet shushing noise. Her lips always seem to mystify you but this time you could blame on the fact that you had no idea where you were, or how you got here, or what the fuck was going on. You jump at an unexpected pull from your shirt from a small hand. You look down and see what looks like a baby wrapped in the towel Jessica had handed you, except it doesn't have a face. No facial features of any kind. It was eerie. It reminded you of something out of Silent Hill. It just kept tugging on your shirt with its tiny hands; you weren't sure why as you couldn't read facial expressions that weren't there so you had no clue as to what it wanted. It sounded like it was gurgling or crying you didn't know, it just sounded all muffled due to it not having a mouth. You looked up to ask Jessica why she'd handed you this thing but she wasn't there. You looked around the empty white room; there were no corners to be seen from where you were standing.

"Jessica? JESSICA! What do you want me to do with-uh-this?" You shouted whilst twirling to try and spot her.

"What is she prattling on about?" Kilgrave? He's here now? You're spinning around trying to clock where the voices are coming from. You jump trying not to bump into them as they appear standing a few feet in front of you. Kilgrave has his arms around Jessica and she looks comfortable in his embrace. You stared at the image before you, failing to make sense of it. I don't think I've ever seen Jessica wear a dress, or even the colour yellow...

"Take a picture." Jessica remarked. She leaned her head onto Kilgrave's chest and sighed as she curled her arms around his torso. This whole image was off, none of this felt right. The yellow dress hanging on Jessica's body made her complexion look washed out. Kilgrave's arms tightened around her. He's wearing one of his suits and his hair is perfect as usual.

"Uhh... ?" You couldn't find your words. You looked at Jessica's pale face then at Kilgrave. He just smiled warmly at you. Jessica extended her arm to reach her hand out to you. You looked down at it. It's drenched in bright red blood, and you've only now realised the no-face baby had disappeared from your arms. Oh my god did I drop it? Jessica grows impatient when you don't take her hand so she grabs yours, and with her strength she pulls you very close to her and Kilgrave. You're waiting for the blood to wipe onto your hand but it doesn't. It's still wet and dripping off of Jessica's hand but it's not being transferred to anything she touches. Weird.

Kilgrave drops his grasp of Jessica and slides one of his large hands on your waist and moves your head upwards using your chin with his other hand to kiss you passionately. Kilgrave pulls away. Jessica kisses Kilgrave on the mouth right in front of you. She grabs at his thick combed hair at the back of his head and Kilgrave's hands move up her back. After they finish, Jessica turns to you. You have a hunch of what is about to happen, god knows you've thought about it enough times. Your breathing quickens with your heart rate. Jessica pulls on the middle of your shirt with her sopping hand and plants a kiss on your mouth. It's hard on impact but then softens. Holy moly. She's a good kisser. Your eyelids relax and fall together as you enjoy a tender kiss from a strong dark haired woman. When Jessica's lips leave yours, your eyes are still shut, your reflexes are delayed for the time being. You feel like your head is full of helium like a balloon about to ascend. 

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