6: Misbehave

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~Notes from the author~
Ahhh more smut. You know you love it.

What a place it was. Kilgrave's apartment building loomed before you with a glow of life inside. Neither of you uttered a sound as you made your way into the building. Kilgrave's driver; Hank held the doors open for the two of you, and then pressed the button for the elevator. You and Kilgrave stood next to each other, itching to tear the clothing from one another. It seemed time had slowed down as you were waiting for the elevator to arrive. It did finally and the three of you stepped inside. Hank pressed the button for the highest number available. The Penthouse? Your stomach was in knots. After what seemed like too much time, the elevator doors slowly opened and Kilgrave rushes out, bumping into Hank. He stands aside to let his master though. You follow Kilgrave down the short corridor. He stood at the only door on this floor. He swipes his key card and the machine beeps whilst opening the door. Kilgrave stands aside and watches as you enter first. Hank approaches him.

"Keep guard for you know who. Do not disturb us unless it's an emergency." Kilgrave orders and shuts the door in Hank's face. Hank turns and faces the end of the corridor and stands tall.

This place was amazing. It was huge. You walked slowly down the hall where a large mirror hung on one of the walls. You emerge into the next room. Kilgrave removed his suit jacket and tie and hung them on the coat hanger before following you in. The open kitchen area was to your left up some stairs. It held sparkling granite worktops and a metal fridge. To your right the living room. High skylights showed off the starry night and long windows acted as wallpaper to frame the city in the distance, and the calm pool just outside. The fancy furniture was arranged beautifully and the lights illuminated the place.

"...fuck me" You say in astonishment under your breath. You felt a presence behind you unzipping your dress. Your hair was pushed to one side over your shoulder as Kilgrave's lips made contact with your neck. You close your eyes and your knees wobbled. You worry Hank may hear the two of you.

"Will he hear us?" You look over to the front door. Kilgrave looks too then his mouth is close to your ear.

"So what if he does?" Kilgrave parts the material to expose your back. He began running his fingers down your skin. Feeling him touch you and his warm breath on you made your face heat up. He stopped half way and slid his hands into the curve of your waist. Making you gasp. The tips of his fingers almost touched before he quickly spun your body to face him. He placed his large hands on your hips and you looked up at his stubbled face. You felt your body aching for more.

"You are magnificent." He breathes. Kilgrave's wild eyes didn't break contact with yours. His curious hands reached around to your backside.

"You're not too bad yourself." You say with a smile. Your clumsy fingers began unbuttoning his silky shirt. You pushed it off his hard shoulders revealing his slim muscular body underneath. You took a second to take him in. Yours and Kilgrave's breathing quickened as your fingertips traced down his chest and over the bumps of his abdomen. Your dress was slipping off your body exposing your shoulders. Kilgrave swallowed, fully aware of this.
You ran your finger back up to his chest and pushed him playfully causing him to stumble backward. He regained his balance and looked at you with a confused brow. You're smiling wickedly. He gets the message and removes his belt. He snaps it at his side causing a whipping noise. You jump and your heart pumps blood quicker. Kilgrave watches your wild eyes shifting focus to the belt then back to his face.

"You've misbehaved _____" Kilgrave growls giving you an evil stare.

"Yeah?" You say breathless, bending down to untie your heels. Kilgrave can see right down your dress. You're now holding your heels in your hand.
"What are you gonna do about it?" You throw your heels at Kilgrave and run off to hide somewhere. He flinches as he tries to catch them but drops one. He didn't see which direction you went. He smiles a half smile and the belt and shoes hit the floor. He begins stalking the Penthouse. You hid in the bedroom and closed the door listening to his movements through it. The noises got closer and closer. Your heart was banging against your rib cage as you try to breathe quietly. In your excitement you didn't notice the open door on the other side of the room. Kilgrave creeped through it and announced his presence.

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