9: Tiny Baby Pancake

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~Notes from the author~
Hi, long time no see! I've been busy with jobs and blah but here's some fluff to calm your nerves.
Thanks for sticking around, love you.

You opened your eyes to see a rather dark bedroom. The Penthouse was silent so it must've been early morning. You turn over to see Kilgrave sleeping on his back peacefully next to you. You could feel his warmth radiating from the duvet you shared. He was topless and had one arm stretched up above his head to rest on his pillow. You watched his chest rise and fall for a few minutes just thankful he was still breathing. You didn't notice he's peeping with one of his eyes to see you staring at him.

"Take a picture" Kilgrave mumbled as he became more conscious.

"I can't. You still have my phone." You whisper softly. Kilgrave replies with a groan and then stretches and rubs his eyes before turning his head on his pillow to face you. His thick chocolatey hair is sticking up and down in places.

"'Ello you." He smiles.

"Hello." You smile back at him staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Are you feeling any better?" Kilgrave's large hand was rubbing your upper arm sympathetically.

"Yes. Loads. That sleep really helped. It usually does." You yawn.

"Good." Kilgrave leaned in, shifted some of your hair out of your face and kissed you on the forehead. You snuggled up to him so his arm wrapped around you and his hand was in your hair. The both of you laid there just breathing. Your head fit snugly under his chin. "Are you ready to talk about it?"

"I think so." Kilgrave was still cuddling you.

"Only if you're sure." Kilgrave stopped stroking your hair and pulled away to look down at you in the eye. He wasn't pressuring you which made you feel at ease.

"I'm sure." You give Kilgrave a warm grin and sat up against the cushiony bed frame above the pillows. "What do you want to know?"

"I'm intrigued to know what it was like, was it similar to watching a film?" Kilgrave sat up too, exposing more of his body.

"It started off like a white room; I could only see you sitting on an invisible chair."

"Oh. That's odd, so I was floating?" Kilgrave ran a hand through his brown locks. The two of you didn't break eye contact.

"Yeah but not for long. A chair appeared underneath you and then a table next to you. Then I felt the rush I told you about, the one I usually feel before I see the whole picture. The background bled into the scene like it was being painted really fast in front of me and then I could hear the surroundings like I was standing there, opposite you."

"What did you see that was so upsetting?"

"What I saw was pretty calm to begin with; you were sitting outside what looked like a café somewhere in Hell's Kitchen looking through what I assume were photographs or papers from a package. Then I heard a woman yelling, I recognised her voice but couldn't put my finger on it. She yelled "Hey shithead, over here!" Then I saw a figure, I couldn't make out the face, that walked in front of my view of you. When he moved you stood with your hand on your neck, then you collapsed and smacked your face on the pavement. You weren't moving. I couldn't do anything." You went quiet as you stared off past Kilgrave, replaying the image of him falling and laying there motionless. Kilgrave noticed this and tried to cheer you up.

"Alright. So what you're saying is, your vision was warning us to stay clear of Hell's Kitchen's questionable, some might say dodgy looking café's."

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