4: Per Se

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~Notes from the author~
Sorry for the wait. I've been busy with life. It always gets in the way.
I always feel like writing really late (technically it's early since it's 3:30am as I post this) so here you go. It's a long one so knock yourself out.
Please do leave some constructive criticism if you have any, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. ✌________________________________________________________________________

Kilgrave waves down a yellow cab after your walk together and without a word takes the magazines from Malcolm who was scurrying behind the two of you. You watch Malcolm slide out a yellow package from inside his coat and hands it sheepishly to Kilgrave. Kilgrave exchanges it for a smaller package before shooing him away. Before leaving, Malcolm makes eye contact with you. You notice his dark bloodshot eyes, chapped lips and the worried look on his face. It was as if he was going to say something but decides against it and leaves. You watch him stumble away before being ordered to get in the cab.

"Go on get in" the purple man orders. Kilgrave's free arm is leaning on the cab door holding it open, waiting. You hesitate and look back to where you last saw Malcolm but he was nowhere to be seen. You were lost in thought and ignored Kilgrave as you tried to figure out what Malcolm's expression could mean.

"Hurry up" He snaps. You glare back at him and get into the cab and slide over to the farthest seat. Kilgrave joins you and tells the cab driver not to small talk and go to a store you've never heard of. The magazines are plopped down in the space between you.

"You're awfully quiet..." Kilgrave remarks as the silence lingers for too long. You look over to him and raise your eyebrows. "Oh. Right right, my fault completely. I slip sometimes. You can speak again now."

"What do you want?" You were becoming more and more agitated from the amount of time this was taking.

"I want to know more about you _____, and your powers. They may come in very handy."

"How? I've tried figuring it out for 20 years and I'm still not sure how they work. I don't really want to share something so personal with someone I barely know either." You turn away to watch the city whiz by the window.

"That's why we'll have dinner. Get to know one another. Properly. It'll be less invasive," Kilgrave was trying but you were uninterested and continued to gaze out the window.

"...if all else fails I'll just make you tell me." He said in his annoyance.

"Fine. Just do that so I can go."

Kilgrave exhaled sharply. "Go back to what exactly? A shitty apartment? A shitty job? I'm trying to be nice here. Being new to this city, anyone else would be bloody grateful!" You let the words sink in during the harsh silence that followed. You were kind of being a dick. He was like you after all. Gifted. You'd never met anyone else who had a gift. Plus he was offering you a free meal.

"Look, uh Kilgrave. I'm sorry." Kilgrave reached his large hand over and placed it on top of yours that was resting on the seat beside you. Seeing his hand reminded you of that vision. How you'd seen and felt his hands all over you.

"That's more like it." He gave your hand a squeeze.

"I'll tell you about my abilities, what I know of them anyway, if you tell me about yours too. I'll be as detailed as you're willing to be. Deal?" You pull your hand away from underneath his warm one.

"Seems reasonable. How detailed are we talking exactly?"

"Like, when was the first time you found out you could do whatever it is you could do, were you born with it blah blah blah"

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