12: Panic! At the Spanish Beach house

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(author notes can be found at the end of the chapter)


"_____?" Kilgrave's noticed the look of pure horror on your face. You push yourself up so he slips out of you; he winces from your speedy movement. You stand. It's sticky and still warm in between your legs. You try to swallow a lump in your throat. Kilgrave can't work out why you haven't said anything and you keep staring at the floor. You quickly walk off to the bedroom and hunt for your pills. Kilgrave's calling after you but you manage to block him out. In your mind you curse yourself for switching to a birth control pill instead of staying with condoms. It was your stupid decision, you trusted Kilgrave enough because you'd now been together for a year and a half, mostly just travelling and seeing the world. You're flinging the contents of your bag over your shoulder as you dig deeper. Where are the pills?! I put them in here, I know I did. Kilgrave's standing in the doorway of the bedroom, doing up his belt and re-buttoning his shirt. "Darling, what are you doing?" You don't hear his sexy English accent and don't find the pills in your bag either. You try the on-suite. You slam open the bathroom cabinet door and start scrambling behind bottles, toothpaste, emergency towels amongst other things. You notice a packet of condoms; you bat them out of the way for mocking you whilst Kilgrave sits on the end of the double bed opposite the bathroom door. He watches as you reach up, exposing your slightly red, plump cheeks (most likely from him slapping there earlier) and you accidently knock over a small box. Q-tips scatter the bathroom floor. You're almost in tears.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" Your voice cracks as you feel yourself panicking. Your face is still in the cabinet.

"Where are what love?"

"MY PILLS KILGRAVE! I CAN'T FIND THEM I NEED TO FIND THEM." You slide the whole shelf of contents onto the floor. Kilgrave becomes concerned and approaches you.

"_____ why are you getting yourself so worked up?" He attempts to tuck some hair behind your ear, but you turn around too quickly.

"BECAUSE I NEED TO FIND THEM!" Up close, Kilgrave notices the seriousness spread over your face, and also how the sun has brought out more of your freckles. He sees you trying to blink back tears and cups your cheek with one of his soft large hands. His touch soothes you for a moment.

"Alright take a breath, where do you remember putting them?" Looking up at Kilgrave's perfect face melts some of your worry away. You point to an empty saggy bag on the bedroom floor.

"In my bag but they're not there."

"What do they look like?" Kilgrave begins to rummage through the mess that exploded out of your bag.

"It's a silver packet with small circular yellow pills-"

"Are these the pills you're looking for?" You appreciated his version of an Obi-Wan Kenobi impression as he held your packet of birth control pills. How? You must've thrown them out of your bag with something.

"YES!" You breathe a sigh of relief as he hands them to you. You kiss Kilgrave but then your attention is straight back onto the pills. You're reading the shorthand days of the week on the foil part of the packet. He takes a seat on the bed.

"What day is it today?" You ask Kilgrave, your eyes still glued on the packet. He looks away, inhales through his teeth and tries to remember.

"Saturday." He replies looking back at you. There's one un-popped hole left on the packet. That's not good. It reads: "Sat". That's definitely not good. Your heartbeat quickens.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on or will I have to try and make you?" Kilgrave is leaning back on his hands on the bed. You finally tear your gaze away from the packet of pills and he raises his eyebrows waiting for your response. Surely he's worked it out by now.

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