15: Chills

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~Author's Notes~
Ok, hi. It's been a while. Just a disclaimer, I've lost my Kilgrave muse. Quite a while ago actually. It might manifest again but as of now it's gone. Sorry.
So this chapter may not be as great as the previous ones. I think I can squeeze one more out of me, but the next one will definitely be the last chapter of A.S.
Thank you for reading and sticking around for this long, I know & I'm sorry to make you wait this long. It's been a heck of a ride and I thank each and everyone one of your who took time out of their day to read and get invested in my story. As I said in a previous author's note, I don't think I'm a writer, not as good as some of the things I read on the internet anyway, some people are unbelievably talented. But you, my lovely, patient readers have made me feel like I'm good at something, for the first time in my life, so thank you so so so much. I really, honestly appreciate it. I love you all so much.
✌ ♥ ♥ ♥

You exhale harshly as you remove your keys from your parked car, and throw your arms onto the steering wheel and plant your face into them. You hate arguing, it makes you feel ill. It feels worse somehow arguing with Kilgrave. You've never actually fallen out before, not this intensely. Locking the door of your vehicle you pocket your hands with the keys in your coat and smile as you enter your old apartment building. It still smells the same; slightly musty with a hint of decay. This is what you used to call home. Home... You're snapped out of reminiscing by the heavy elevator doors peeling away to reveal a figure emerging. As he approaches you recognise him, it's Malcolm. You greet him with a grin and a lame little wave. He removes his earphones to return the greeting.

"Hey _____! How've you been? I haven't seen you around these parts in a long time." Malcolm looks a lot better than the last time you met, and smells a lot cleaner too.

"I'm fine thanks Malcolm, you look well." He looked pretty attractive actually in his shirt buttoned right up under his chin.

"Oh yeah, I kicked an old habit right out the window, see ya!" He laughed after making a kicking motion with his leg. This might've been the first time you've seen him smile. It made you feel good. "Where've you been? Did you move?"

"Yeah I did. I live just outside the city now."

"Cool, cool. We'll have to catch up sometime. Sorry I gotta go, I'm late for a meeting." Malcolm gave you a warm hug. He smelled so good!

"A work meeting? This late at night?" You shouted as he headed for the front door. Malcolm is walking backwards now so he can face you.

"No it's like a casual meeting with friends where we can talk about how we feel. It's really useful; it gives me something to do." You're glad he has some support with getting clean from drugs.
"Jessica's upstairs by the way. If you want to say hello, I'm sure she's awake, I heard her moving around in there."

"Thanks Malcolm." He waves you goodbye and pops his earphones back into his ears whilst the door swings back. You thumb the button of the elevator and step into the open doors and wait as it climbs to Jessica's and your old apartment floor. You step out into the familiar hall. It hasn't changed, the wallpaper is still peeling away and the marble floor still has that weird stain on it in that specific area. You advance to her door; it has frosted glass now instead of where the cardboard used to be. Bold black text read: "Alias Investigations". You see a dim light coming from the inside. She must be studying a case or reading or something. You knock on the glass.

"Nobody's home!" Jessica's voice growls from inside.

"Jessica it's me, _____. I need to speak to you."

"About what?"

"I'm not speaking to you through the door, would you just let me in please?" You hear a loud sigh from inside and footsteps toward the door. Jessica's apartment door opens on her chain latch. You see a bit of her face. She's obviously had very little sleep and her breath smells like scotch.

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