This isn't so Bad

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We stop a little ways down from the room we just left. Not many people were traveling through the hallway, which I was grateful for.

"Rey said you were looking for me." I say, pulling at the ends of my robe.

Luke nods slowly. I study his face looking for something to figure out why he couldn't speak with me inside.

"You know how to use the Force but you do not. Why is that?" He asks, as if he read my mind.

I breath deeply before answering. "I don't need to, you are going to tell me whatever you want to without lying. I don't need to look into your mind to see that. You also have a strong mind, all Jedi have to be."

"Are you?" He asks quickly.

I look down, "I don't know anymore. I used to be, back at home with my father guiding me. But now...."

"You're alone and scared. They said that they would help you choose didn't they?" I nod in agreement. Luke continues on, using an understanding voice. "Your parents wouldn't have been able to help you in that choice, only you could make it. The pull between the Light and the Dark is strong but once you've been trained, you will be able to choose wisely."

"But I'm not trained and I'm not going to be. I'm being shipped off to another planet, several people have told me. And others have complained about me going." I reply, my brushy brows furrowing in confusion. Luke looked with compassion and eyes that told me to put it together myself. I thought over what he said and I understood. "Are you offering to train me? As a Jedi?"

"If that's what you want, then yes. Cassandra, I could sense that the Force is strong in you and you are doing everything you can to suppress it. You shouldn't have to do that your whole life." He stretched out his metal hand towards me. I looked down and he was holding a strange contraption in his hand. I had never seen anything like it before but I knew exactly what it was.

"Is this.... Is it real?" I ask, cautiously stepping towards it. It looked completely opposite of the one from the First Order. This saber was organized and put together with an original design. The First Order's seemed to be based off this but they couldn't seem to get the exact mechanics of it.

Luke nodded in reply and said, "Take it for now. You can train with it and learn. Maybe one day you could have your own." I smiled at him and picked up the weapon. It was oddly light and held comfortably in my hand. I admired it closely and was amazed at every detail. "Go ahead." I looked up at Luke curiously. "Try it." He encouraged.

I smiled and stepped back. I held my arm away from my body and turned it on. A blue beam of light broke out of the end, growing in length and humming quietly. I laughed at it a little. "My parents told me stories of lightsabers and they always mentioned their hum. I just never thought I'd hear it." I exhaled softly, bringing the saber in front of me. I took it with two hands and went into a fighting stance, it felt almost natural.

Luke smiled at me. "You seem at ease. Now come, we should go back to the others. Leia gets anxious about new recruits."

I powered down the saber but kept my grip on it. I was holding a lightsaber, a real one. Not only that, but it was Luke Skywalker's lightsaber. I smiled to myself, maybe the Light side wasn't so bad after all.

|A.N: Sorry it's kind of short, I wanted to end the chapter there. I am so excited that people are liking this story, it makes me so happy to see people comment. I'll try to update again soon!! Thanks again! |

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