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I walked back into the room behind Luke. I felt myself shrink back slightly out of habit. I heard a whisper in the air telling me to stop and stand up with confidence. I listen and straighten out, looking for the person the voice belonged to.

"Cassandra is to stay with the Resistance. I am going to help her and train her, but she is only here until we finish. Then, it is her choice from there." Luke says flatly. No one opposes and I sigh in relief.

"May I just ask one thing?" I pipe up, eyeing the giant bear thing.

"What would you like to know?" General Leia asks in reply.

"What is that?" I point towards it and it makes a terrifying screaming sound. I step back slightly and my grip tightens on the saber as if I knew how to work it.

"His name is Chewbacca and he is a Wookie." Rey answers, walking towards Chewbacca. "He also says he does not like being referred to as an object."

"I'm very sorry. I just didn't know." I reply quickly, my voice raising in pitch slightly.

"It's fine. Now come on. If you're staying, we should find you a room. Is the one in the East Quadrant still empty?" Rey starts to lead me out of the room and turns her head for an answer. I hear a muffled confirmation and we start walking again.

We walk in silence most of the way, the last half hour playing through my head on repeat. Suddenly Rey speaks up, "I know I'm not supposed to look, but you shouldn't think too much about training. It is a great experience. And hopefully your's won't take a long time like mine is. Master Luke is the best teacher and I know you will be happy here."

We had arrived at a metallic door with numbers on it. "Is this mine?" I ask in disbelief. Rey nodded and continued fussing with the controls. "I've never had my own home, let alone a room."

The door finally slid open with a questioning pop. Rey goes inside and I follow. I stand in the center and turn slowly, taking it all in. It reminded me of the rest of the base. It was designed into the Earth and it had a small window on the opposite side of the room. It also looked big enough to hold at least two families of four.

"This is too big. You could fit at least two families in here." I say, turning to face Rey. She was crouched down, dusting off a shelf. She stood up slowly, brushed off her grey ensemble, and gave me a small smile.

"You don't need to squeeze here, Cassandra. We have plenty of room, and if we need to, we will put multiple people in rooms together. But for now it is all your's. It gives you room to practice with that." She gestures to the lightsaber still in my hand. I had forgotten that I was still holding it and I went to gently set it down on the cot.

"I guess, but I still have one question." I say, turning around slowly.

Rey smiles again and replies, "Anything you need, I will be almost always happy to help with."

"Do you know where I could get a change of clothes?"


My training started a week after I settled in. I spent the morning before I was supposed to meet Master Luke pacing around my room and trying to get my hands to stop shaking. I would periodically glance at my borrowed lightsaber that was staring at me from my cot.

Finally, I had to face reality and go out. I stopped pacing to get changed, but my hands continued to shake. I grabbed a long, white skirt and a quarter-sleeved, white crop top and my looped belt to put on before standing at my door and staring.

I looked at my distorted reflection in the metal and sighed at my mop of dark brown hair. It was reaching my hips now and would defiantly get in my way during training. I went to my shelves and picked up one of my old robes that I brought from my home planet. I cringed slightly as I tore a long strip of fabric to tie my think hair up with. Strands fell out in the front but it was better than leaving all of it down. I went back to staring at my door again before mustering courage and pushing myself out into the hall.

The ground was cold against my bare feet as I walked down the hall towards the outside. I walked out and was immediately greeted by BB-8.

"Good afternoon, kind guest. Have you seen Master Poe anywhere?" He asks, shaking his head quickly.

I smile at the droid. "Sadly I have not. I can't help you look either, it is my first day of training as a Jedi."

BB-8 beeps very quickly at me for a few seconds, but I couldn't understand him. He then hits my leg before speeding off to look for Poe. I laugh and start running towards the clearing we said we would meet.

I arrived quickly and slowed down as I started into the dip in the middle. Master Luke was already there, waiting for me.

"I apologize for being late." I say as fast as BB-8 had beeped.

Master Luke didn't smile at me exactly but his eyes told me that it was ok. "You are strong in the Force," he says, "but you need more training. The Force is like a living thing, it is found everywhere and it moves through everyone. You need to become allies with it, use it as defense. The saber is what you use for combat, not the Force."

My mind flashed back to the escape pod, where I had accidentally Force Choked that poor man. I will the memory away and bring myself back to the present.

"Your mind brought up a distraction." I nod in agreement.

"It was ok though. I could learn from it." I answer.

"Good. Now I know you know how to find balance in the Force so we will start with using your saber." Master Luke pulled a small, metal sphere from his robe and presses a button. It started to hover in front of me. Then, suddenly, I felt as if it would attack. I pulled my lightsaber from my belt and activated it just in time to deflect a ray shot from the sphere.

"What the hell?" I exclaim, gripping the saber tightly. I anticipated the next shot while watching Master Luke from the corner of my eye.

"Let the Force guide you through this. Close your eyes and deflect the shots." I listened and shut my eyes. I felt the Force flowing all around me and I knew exactly where the sphere was hovering. I deflected another ray and another after that. I soon got the hang of it and would start to spin the saber in one hand sometimes.

My concentration was broken by a strange noise. I opened my eyes, dropped my saber tip to the ground, and listened carefully.

"Cassandra, do you feel it?" Master Luke asks, his voice wavering.

"I hear something." I also felt a strange pull, one I have felt only once before.

The noise that was a dull rumble became a soft roar and I recognize the ship instantly.

"It's the First Order." I whisper in a tight voice. I turn off my lightsaber and reattach it to my belt. "We have to get the others." 
 I turn to sprint back to the base when we were suddenly covered in darkness. I turn to Master Luke with a look of fright.

"They can't find you." I tell him. "They need you to train the others."

"Cassandra, I will be fine. Run now, you can make it."

I look up at the V shaped ship slowly descending on top of us. I shook my head and said, "I'm sorry." I lifted my hand and did the trick my father taught me. I covered Master Luke in the Force and he disappeared from view.

I turned back to the ship then and watched it touch the ground heavily. It dropped it's V wings and a metal bridge. Out marched a squadron of Stormtroopers, followed by the person I feared the most, the man in the metal mask.

Torn Apart ((Kylo Ren)) //Unfinished but being reworked//Where stories live. Discover now