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The day the First Order came was rainy and cold. I was outside working in the woods and could not wait to get home to sit in front of the fire.

"Cassandra, have you found anything yet?" My sector leader barks at me. I shake my head in response and continue working. Suddenly, I was being yanked back by my hair and I was bent over backwards looking at him. His dull eyes burned with hate.

"Just because you are different doesn't mean you get special treatment. Now get to work and find something useful. Your family needs something." He hisses in my ear before throwing me into the mud. I manage to regain my balance just as a dark shadow comes over us, plunging us into darkness. When I looked up, I saw the bottom of a V-shaped ship. That's when the pain started. It had always been there, but standing under the ship with Dark side energy helped it grow in size.

I doubled over and held my stomach as people started yelling and running away. I told myself that I had to run too, so I did. I was home in a matter of minutes and collided with my mother in the doorway.

"Cassandra, are you ok?" She asks, holding my arms. I shake my head and clutch my stomach again. It felt like I was being ripped in half.

"It hurts so much. Please make it stop." I beg, pulling at her hand.

She shook her head in response, causing her short, blonde hair to fall into her face. She brushes it away and then says, "They'll want to take you with them. I can't have them force this way of life onto you, so you're leaving. Let's go." She started walking towards where the escape pods were stationed in case of emergency.

"You and father are coming too, right?" I question, limping next to my mother. She doesn't answer me and just continues to stare ahead.

A blaster goes off to the right of us and my mother grabbed my hand. She started running, heading towards the woods for cover. We broke in and ended up lying in a mud puddle.

I stood up slowly and looked around. We were almost to the pods but someone was in our way.

A man in black robes and a black and sliver mask stood in front of us. "You there." He called, his voice was a low growl behind the mask. It sounded metallic, fake. "I sense the Force in you. Come with me and I will show you the power of the Dark side."

The pain exploded again, I wanted to run to him and have it all be over but I was frozen in fear. He became angry at my hesitation and pulled out a strange contraption. He activated it and bright red light appeared out of the top and sides of it. I stumbled back and wanted to run but I couldn't. He extended his other hand and I felt my whole body tighten. Now, I really couldn't move.

I looked down towards my mother, who was watching the whole scene unfold from the mud. She spoke up suddenly. "My daughter is untrained and scared. She will not join a side until completely aware of both sides, Kylo Ren."

The man my mother called Kylo Ren yelled in frustration and started towards me. My mother was up in a flash and went to challenge him when suddenly something tackled him from the side. They both fell over and Kylo Ren's grip fell from my body. I slumped over and gasped for air, shocked. I had never met someone who could use the Force, my father only knew of it and knew I had it. He never was able to control it himself.

The figured stood and turned towards us. I saw my father's grey eyes staring at us and his voice telling us to run. So we did. My mother and I took off to the pods. I heard the fight raging behind me and made the mistake of glancing back.

I almost fell over as I watched Kylo Ren force my father to his knees and raise his lightsaber. He brought it down in what seemed like slow motion onto my father's neck. I felt my breath catch in my throat and my midday meal turn over in my stomach as I turned back around and spirited to catch up with my mom, the only person I had left.

Torn Apart ((Kylo Ren)) //Unfinished but being reworked//Where stories live. Discover now