Chapter 23

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 I woke up and could barley open my eyes. Everything was so white and bright. I soon figured out that I was in a hospital bed. Matt, Daddy, Cylence, Austin, Andy, Tony, Dimples, Danny, Ben, Kaleb, Kellin, Ryan, Derek, Vic and Mitch were leaning over me. 

"Wha-... What happened?" 

Matt leaned in. "baby you fell off the roof and broke 5 of your ribs, broke your wrist, sprained your ancle, broke your nose and got a concussion."

I tried to take in a deep breath and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my body where my ribs are. 

" Oh. Damn. That hurts." 

Matt went to get the nurse for some pain meds.

"Caleb, will you hand me that mirror please? I want to see what I look like."

He handed me a mirror and I looked at my black and blue face. ' Oh god.' I thought. ' I look like I was ran over by a truck.' 

I normally wouldn’t want everyone looking at me but my mind was somewhere else. 

Daddy was in the corner, staring out the window. I hated to see him so sad. 


He looked over at me, concerned. "Yes baby girl."

"Come here please."

He walked over to me. "What’s wrong sweetie?"

I held my hands up. "Can i have a hug?" 

He leaned down and hugged me gently.

Cylence's POV

 "Oh my god! This week has been crazy!" I looked at Austin. We were in the hospital cafeteria. 

" I know, first that Derik guy and the DeLanie-Kaleb drama, now she’s in the hospital." He held my hand and i layed my head on his shoulder. " I know how close you two were.." I looked up at him. " I think we should hold our date off until next week or something." He was okay with it. After we got done eating, we went to see DeLanie. When we got up there she was asleep. There were a lot of reporters and they really wanted in the room, but Ronnie denied them.

“ Daddy, how is she?” He was sitting in the corner, on a couch, slightly crying. He looked up at me. “ I need a hug.”  I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. DeLanie woke up.

“Hey guys.” She kinda smiled.

“DeLanie! How are you?” I asked a little bit too enthusiastically.

“I’m fine..” She laid her  head back down. “Where is everyone?”

I smiled. “ They all went back to their buses. Matt was really upset. He’s blaming himself because you got hurt. And Kaleb says he has to prove his love for you or something.. Austin, Daddy and I are here though.”

Daddy walked over to DeLanie. “ Promise me that you’ll never smoke on the top of the bus.. Please?”  DeLanie nodded. Dimples walked in. “Cy, Austin, you two have been here for hours. Go back to the bus, get a shower and get some rest.” DeLanie agreed. “ Yeah, go, I’ll be fine. But when you come back I’d appreciate it if you brought me a Carmel Latte with whipped cream on the bottom.. Please?” She begged us. We agreed to and left.

When we got back to the bus Austin took his shower first. Kaleb was on the couch, writing DeLanie a note to ‘Proclaim his love to her’. I read it and damn. It was so fucking cheesy. He got mad and pouted in his bunk. I laughed. When Austin got out of the shower, I got a text from Daddy.

Daddy *    Me –

*Hey baby girl. DeLanie gets out tomorrow so please clean up the bus.

- Tomorrow?! Okay Dad, Austin and I got it under control

* Thanks. Love you Cy


“Austin! DeLanie gets out tomorrow!” His face lit up. Matt walked in. “Hey. Why are you yelling?” “DeLanie is coming home tomorrow! Daddy said the bus has to be cleaned.” He jumped up. 10 minutes later the bus was perfect.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there was a bouquet of flowers in my face. “ Uhh.. Hi..” The flowers moved and it was Derik. “ These are for you and your family. I heard about what happened to DeLanie. Im sorry Cy.”  He looked sincere.

(Our convo)

- Derik    ^ Me

^ How’d you hear about the accident?

- Oh.. Uhh I saw it..

^ Stalker much?

- No I was coming over to give you a box of your stuff. Brianna gave it to me because she knew we were together and it has a bunch of your clothes and shoes and other stuff in it. But then I saw DeLanie fall and I left.

^ Do you have the box now?

- Yea

^ Oh and thanks for the flowers. DeLanie’s coming home tomorrow and she will love them. Why don’t you come in.

Derik walked in and saw Austin. They glared at each other.

“Austin. Calm down. Why don’t you and Matt go back to the hospital and keep De company.”

He nodded and Matt followed him out the door.

“ Let me go get the box out of my car.” Derik walked outside and brought the box back in. It was huge.

“Well, here ya go.” He started to leave.

“ No stay. I’m alone.”

He sat down next to me.  I opened the box and started pulling out stuff.  He pulled out a picture frame and smiled. “ This is my favorite picture of us.”  We started going through my stuff and remembering our old memories. We started laughing and actually got along.

He stood up. “Since were ‘just friends’ we should hang out sometime. It would be fun.” I agreed. “ Sure. Why not” He smiled and left. I grabbed my stuff and put it under DeLanie’s bed.  I left and went to the hospital. At the front desk I asked for DeLanie’s room and the lady was being a total bitch but I kept my cool. “Who are you looking for?” She asked rudely. “ My sister, DeLanie Radke.”  She gave me a dirty look. “Oh lord. Another  Radke. Your dad has problems.” I threw all her stuff on the ground. “Listen here you little bitch! You ever talk about my family like that again, I’ll fucking kill you.” I said with a warm smile. “ Now, how about that room number.”  She stuttered “ Tw-Two Th- Th- Thirty.” I smiled and left to find DeLanie’s room.

De was talking to everyone. “Hey sis.”  She stretched out her arms so I hugged her.  “ Hey Cy.”  I smiled. “ I hope you know that when you get outta here, I’m gonna beat the desk lady” I explained t what happened and she laughed, so did Daddy. She looked at Dad. “Daddy, will you get me some food please.”   “ Yeah De.” He walked out.

“ Guys. I wanna get Daddy a late birthday present.”   “ What’d you have in mind?”   “ A new customized tour bus!”   “OMG that would be awesome!”   “ Now everyone knows except for Dad.”  Daddy walked back in. “ Well I got pizza and ice cream.” He sat down and looked at DeLanie. “ Are you ready to go home tomorrow?” She nodded. “ Yeah. I’m feeling a lot better.”   We all talked for a while. 

Austin, Dad and I went back to the bus and Matt stayed with DeLanie.

The next morning we went and got DeLanie. She had been there for about a week.

I Love You Dad. { A Ronnie Radke Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now