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Hai guys.. Cylence has been going through some.... stuff and I think she would greatly appreciate you telling her that things always get better and things of that nature.. <3


I was so close to ending everything.. I had always had someone to lean on whenever things went wrong but now Austins comforting cylence and everyone is just... in their own world now that Tonys back and.. now that Sandra left... I can't take much more.. Before <<~~~~

Sunday July 15 is the day everything went down. Sandra had got a call at like 4am this morning and when I asked who it was she would just change the subject. So eventually I just let it go. Andy and Jinxx had gone to the hospital to get Tony because he was well enough to be released. Cylence had just dropped the bomb to me and I immediately told Austin to make sure she didn't do anything. I'm alone in my room, laying on my bed, trying to process everything.. when Sandy walks in. "DeLanie, we gotta talk.". "about what?". I was getting worried... " well. the band said if i am not on the road by tomorrow, I'm out. So I have to leave.". I just looked at her. " DeLanie. say something.. ". " potatoes". " so your fine with me leaving?". I started crying... " no! I love you and I don't want you to leave." "About that.. uhh.... I don't think we are going to work out..". I cried harder. she just walked out. I waited 5 minutes and then went outside, gathered some rocks and climbed ontop of the bus and threw them at the ground. idk why... I just did.


I decided to go to the shows and out of the 200,000 people in the crowds I saw one person.. Kaleb. Kaleb fucking Henri. lucky me I was at dads show when I saw him but I ran on stage while the band was playing and grabbed the Mic out of his hands. "hey everyone! I'm Ronnies daughter, DeLanie! how is everyone?! I just want to make a shoutout to someone I spotted in the crowd. Kaleb Henri!!!" he turned around and everyone saw him and crowd surfed him to the stage. " hey man! why don't you come backstage and ill show you around.?i" he followed me backstage.

I Love You Dad. { A Ronnie Radke Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now