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Hai guys. one more week until my school starts. yay!! I can't wait. but you are probably already in school and are wishing to be out again. Yeahh.... I know how that works. you're all excited to be back at school and then it turns to shit. yup. so the chapter.....

when I woke up everyone else was already awake and moving except Austin. he was awake but I had his arm as my pillow and he was just watching me. "are you watching me sleep?". "yup.". I laughed. we got up and I took a shower. and as soon as I got out, austin had to get one. " uhh I don't think you wanna take a cold shower.". "fuck. well fine. since you took all the hot water, I'm gonna hang on you allllll day. just because I'm stanky." he said with a smile. fuck. I put on my new skinny jeans and FIR tank. I put my favorite perfume on and dried my hair. I often borrow dads shoes. so I took his boots that he never wears and slipped them on. I heard the shower turn on and I assumed that Austin just decided to take a cold shower. when he got out I had picked out his clothes and he grabbed them cautiously. when he came out of the bathroom he smiled. "how did you know exactly what I wanted to wear?". I have no idea. I guess I'm just that awesome." I said with a smile. he was wearing an Asking Alexandria tee with black baggy- saggy skinny jeans with a black studded belt and his black converse like the ones Sandy always wears. he grabbed his tinted aviators and we walked off the bus. as soon as the sun hit me I grabbed the aviators and put them on. god the sun was annoying. I literally ran to the merch stand and grabbed a black jacket and put it on. the guy running the merch stand gave me a 'what the fuck?' look and I just flipped him the bird. I hated the sun. I don't know why, I just did. but the one thing I liked about it was, even if I just stood out in the sun for 5 minutes in my bikini, I'd get a gorgeous tan. :) Austin was the same way. And so is Sandy. But cylence, why not so much. if she is out in the sun for too long, she burns. not like oh no a sunburn. no. like holy shit you're a fucking lobster.! yeah. our babie carrier is like that too. and so is her dad. Today we are going to get our first tattoos together. all three of us and sandy is gonna get the same ones and she's driving. We get to the tattoo shop and we decide to get 'we are young and fucking strong as hell' on the inside of our left arms and then Austin and I are getting a feather on our backs our cherokee roots. Cylence and I are getting 'I'm not a whore but my mom is' on our lower stomach. and Austin, Cylence and I are getting a cigarette on both our index and middle fingers. like one half of the cigarette on one and then the other half on an other. so when you put both together, you get a full cigarette. yeah. its stupid but we all had our first cigarettes together so. it just makes sense. and I like smoke religiously. like Andy.

A/N we go smoke by the truth truck. :)

and I got the batman insignia on my right arm. it looks sick. Tattoos don't really hurt but the one on my stomach tickled so Austin and sandy had to distract Cylence and I so we wouldn't giggle and fuck up the tattoo. they all turned out great. when we got back to the bus dad was sooo eager to see how they turned out. we couldnt show them until tomorrow because they haddnt stopped bleeding yet. we really didn't do anything for the rest of the day and then eventually fell asleep. in my bed. yay. :l

A/N its like 2:40 am and I hafta get up at 9 so ill write tomorrow. night!

we woke up the next day and it was creepy because we all woke up at the same time and all looked at each other. We all got dressed and took off the gauze or whatever the hell was covering our tattoos. they all looked so fucking awesome! I liked my batman and the cigarette most. Dad and Andy were rehearsing and I was too excited to wait for them to finish. I ran up to dad and Cylence, Austin and Sandy weren't far behind. First we showed the 'we are young and fucking strong as hell' and dad didn't really care for the 'inappropriate language' but he liked the symbolic shit. then it was the feather on Austin and my upper back. he liked that. then it was Cylence and my 'I'm not a whore but my mom is' on our lower stomach. he was literally laughing his fucking ass off. and then the cigarette. he was okay with that.. sorta. " how the hell did you get these without my signature?". I looked at Sandy. " I told the fucking 19 year old that she was my sister and that we were related to you and Andy. so.... we got them for free." I smiled. we said our goodbyes and I went over to the stage where Andy was rehearsing. he liked the 'we are young and fucking strong as hell'. I showed him the cigarette. "damn. I fucking need that. we can be smoker and tattoo buddies. fuck yes.". "as long as you promise to buy me more cigarettes because I'm running low and dad won't buy me anymore.". " how the fuck can I say no to that face?!". I smiled and hugged him. Andy asked Sandy to show off her mad drumming skills. so she played some of perfect weapon. and lemme tell you. she was fuckin sick. CC even said she was better than him and they like compared drumming shit. so I got bored and wanted to show Tony the tattoos. so Cylence and I went to his bus instead of all three of us because Austin didn't know what he would do if he ever saw him again. so he went to hangout with AA and sleeping with sirens. I knocked on the door and no one answered. hmm. he must be asleep or something. so I opened the door and saw him passed out on the floor with about 9 bottles of foreign vodka and a razor. "what the fuck?!". I rushed over to him and tried to wake him up but it was no use. he was out. he didn't look like he was breathing so I put my ear to his chest and there was just a slight movement. I told Cylence to stay with him and that I was going to get Andy. I sprinted over to his stage. " ANDY! TONYS PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR AND HE'S BARLEY BREATHING." we both ran to the bus and Cylence was still there with Tony. Andy dropped down on his knees and grabbed Tonys arm. it was bleeding really bad and he was pale. I dialed 911 and could barley speak. apparently they tracked my call and were he in a few minutes. I saw Andy walk out of the bus and he was followed by the emt people. He was trying so hard to hold back the tears and the pure anger. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. I looked up and saw that he had a few tears running down his face and I wiped them away. he looked down at me and saw my tear stricken face and took both of his hands and gently wiped my face. I heald up my hands and he obviously got the message and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried into his shoulder. I think I fell asleep because the next thing I remember is seeing dads shirt. I was curled up next to dad on the couch and he was on his phone. "hi baby girl. are you alright?". "I don't know. I don't wanna cry, I'm not mad, I'm not sad.. I'm not feeling any emotions. none. at all.". "Andy is sleeping on the couch tonight because he doesn't wanna leave. is that okay with you?". "yeah. daddy its fine. Where is Austin and Cylence?". "they are in your room. probably waiting for you." I got up and turned to dad. "I love you dad." and I kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too sweetheart.". I walked into my room and saw Cylence asleep and Austin playing MW3. "hey.". "hi.". "you okay". "I'm fine.". I went over to Austin and paused the game. "what are you doing? I was in the middle of killing some sick basterds.". "I wanted a hug. but since you're going to be an ass, then no.". he stood up, spun me around and gave me a giant bear hug. "I'm sorry. tell me what's wrong.". "ever since this afternoon, I just, dont know who is going to be out of my life next. and I don't want it to be you or Cycy or Andy or dad. so..- he put his finger to my lips. "shh. DeLanie, I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon.". I hugged him. I then got up and changed into my pajamas and then saw that Cylence had gotten up and went to sleep on the bed/table. I went back to my bed where Austin was already laying down, under the covers. I layed down and he rolled over and put his arm around me. I guess we were spooning but it was a weird austin spooning. I guess. we eventually fell asleep.

A/N so how did you guys like the Tony shit? I have no idea where I came up with that. It's like 2am and again I have to get up at 9am so imma go to sleep. night! ,

I Love You Dad. { A Ronnie Radke Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now