Chapter 3

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I run over to the bathroom door cursing as I go along.

"Haru why the hell would you give me a maid outfit for my birthday!"

All I hear on the other side of the door is laughter and panting of Haru trying to catch his breath.

When he finally seemed to control himself he clears his throat and says "Well you know, Ricchan needs umm an outfit from time to time to cosplay. So why not a maid outfit." As he finishes his laughter starts again.

I sigh and lean my back on the door. "You know you're so immature."

"You know you love me and missed me either way."

"Maybe I did." I whispered.

"Okay Ricchan promise me when I leave this door I will still be alive."

I think about it while stepping away from the door.

"Sure. I guess I shall let you live for a few days at least. Warning if you piss me off I might change my mind."

He chuckles a little and opens the door. I sigh and shake my head, walking towards the couch and collapse on it. Haru walks towards his bag and pulls out another small box from it. He walks towards me and hands it to me.

"Now this is your real present. The other one was because it was necessary."

I snort and take the box from his hands. I open it and there is actually something normal. It is a thin silver chain necklace with a silver heart that says Ritsu. I take the necklace in my hand and open the clasp. Putting the necklace around my neck and closing it.

"Thanks Haru I like it." I say smiling at him.

He giggles and says "But you like the maid outfit better right?"

I glare at him. "You ruined the moment."

"Sorry, sorry anyways Ritsu what have you been up to this past few years. And who's Masamune." He says teasingly holding up the letter that came with the bear.

I jump from the couch and point at the letter, blushing badly.

"Where did you get that." I stuttered out.

"Hmmm what a nice reaction. If you didn't want me finding out you could've hid your stuff better. So who's this, it seems like you're very close" he says with an evil smirk on his face.

'He's such an s!' (sadist for those that don't know what s stands for) I think to myself.

"Just my boss nothing else." I managed to get out, but my blush might've given it away. He sighs and starts chuckling afterwards.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Ricchan you're such a bad liar. But is this that same guy from high school?" Suddenly his face turned cold.

Crap I forgot how he is when he gets mad and wants to kill someone. I shift my gaze to my feet not bearing to look at him a moment longer. I only managed a nod and I could hear the snapping of fire bursting out of him. When was the last time I saw this? Oh that's right when I told him about him.

~Flash back~

"Ricchan what's wrong?" Haru asks worried. All I could do is cling to him and let my tears fall.

"How could I have been so stupid? I thought he loved me." I chocked out in between sniffs.

"What are you talking about? Ricchan look at me." He said putting his hand on my chin and lifting it up for me to look at him.

I must look like a mess, I ran as fast as I could to take the train back home, managing not to break. But once I got home and saw Haru waiting for me I just bursted out crying.

"Senpai doesn't love me." I whispered. Haru looked at me confused.

"What do you mean he doesn't love you. Haven't you guys gone out for a while now?"

I shake my head and said "When I asked him if we were going out he just laughed. And I didn't know what to do so I left in a hurry and now I'm home. I figured I could make him love me but I was wrong."

Haru hugs me tightly with an angry aura around him.

"That bastard! How dare he play with my little cousin like that!"

He kept ranting on afterwards and that's when we decided to accept mom's offer to study abroad in Europe.

~Flash back ends~

Oh geez why did I have to remember that. I was so pathetic back then. And ever since, Haru had this killer aura whenever I mentioned him. I look at Haru who has a blank expression on his face.

"Calm down Haru it's been 10 years I'm over it now." I say trying to calm him down.

Though honestly I don't know whether he is angry or not. And then I see tears running down his cheeks. He suddenly hugs me crying on my shoulder.

"What the heck Haru I thought you'll be mad not crying!"

He looks at me with his big blue eyes that seemed full of joy? What? Am I missing something here?

"Okay Haru spill it you're scaring me."

He suddenly pouts.

"Geez Ricchan what the heck is wrong with you. I'm just happy you're back with your beloved senpai."

I push away from him and lean my forehead against his.

"What the heck Ricchan!" He says quickly stepping away from me.

"You don't seem to have a fever. So who the hell are you and what have you done to Haru?" I say pointing an accusing finger at him.

"What?" He says innocently.

I stare at him with disbelief.

"Tell me what you know!" I demand.

"Geez I thought I could have more fun with your reactions. Anyways let's just say I did a lot of research this past few years. And now I know what your stupidity got you into." He says smirking.

"But you know you should just give in to him instead of being as stubborn as always. Ricchan you have a chance to be happy again why won't you take it? It pained me to see you sad when you were the sweetest little cousin ever. And well you still are but you definitely became jaded." He says bluntly at the end.

All I could do is stare at him confused.

Falling all over again (RitsuxTakano)Where stories live. Discover now