Chapter 10

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Ritsu P.O.V

Haru looked up at me with eyes that were literally sparkling.

"Well his name is Yanase Yuu. He's a brunet and just by hearing his voice I feel like melting!" He says blushing.

Yanase Yuu. Yanase Yuu. Where have I heard that name before? Yanase...

"Oh you mean that Yanase Yuu! He's one of the assistants that has helped with multiple mangakas. I've seen him a few times." I say loudly recognizing the name.

"So what do you think about him that is?" Says Haru fidgeting with his fingers.

It amazes me how Haru can become like this when he's in love. Was I ever like that too?

"Well I can't really judge someone by how they look. So I don't know, he gives off this serious vibe?" I say with a questioning look.

Haru chuckles and says "That's what I thought at first, but he actually is a nice guy."

I stare at Haru who's eyes has become distant. What is he thinking? I flicked my finger on his forehead and he yelped rubbing the spot I flicked him.

"Why you do that for?" Says Haru whining.

"You were in your own little world. So what's wrong?"

Haru takes a moment before replying "Well he kinda kissed me..."

My eyes widen at this. "He what?! I mean why are you freaking out about that?"

"Ricchan you're the one freaking out." He says bluntly.

"Okay well, why did he just kiss you?!"

"I don't know! That's the thing I think he's in love with sensei! So why kiss me? I don't get it!" He says shaking me back and forth.

"Okay calm down! Did you even bother asking?" I say stopping him.

Haru stares at me for a moment without saying anything.

"You didn't even bother to ask for an explanation?!" I ask loudly.

"Well... You see... I was spacing out and he noticed I've been crying and then I started crying and well, he kissed me" he says slowly.

I sigh knowing too well why he was crying. Well that won't be a problem from now on.

Haru suddenly bursts out laughing.

"Why are you laughing!?" I ask confused.

Haru takes a deep breath trying to stop himself from laughing. But it fails because he just keeps on laughing.

"Seriously what is it?"

Haru finally calms down and says "We are acting so weird! Is this what love does to you?!"

It came to me that, I'm actually in love too. Love can be such a nice, warm, and weird feeling.

Suddenly I remember something Haru said that's been on my mind.

"Hey Haru, what were those sources you've said you had? You know the ones that told you about Takano and I" I ask curiously.

Haru tensed and avoided my gaze.

Which in Haru language it means something's up and I'm in trouble.

"Haru spit it out now. Or else!"

"Or else what Ricchan?" He challenges, staring at me.

I quickly think of what to blackmail him with. Which I've come to notice that I've used up all my blackmailing methods the past year. If it weren't for him blackmailing me I would've had plenty of topics right now.

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