Chapter 8

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"Sorry didn't think I'll cry that much." I whispered.

We had moved to the couch, but I'm still wrapped in Takano's arms. For some reason I feel safe in his arms.

"That's okay but what's wrong Ritsu?" He asks worried, rubbing circles on my back as if to calm me down.

I stare into his eyes and finally say the three words he's wanting to hear for the longest time.

"I love you"

Takano P.O.V

Did I just hear right? Ritsu said he loves me? "What?" I say shocked.

Ritsu takes a deep breath and says "I love you. I've always loved you." He says his words filled with such sweetness. Then the unexpected happened. Ritsu actually initiated a kiss. A long sweet kiss.

Back to Ritsu P.O.V

I did it I said the words and initiated a kiss. A faint blush crosses my cheeks as we part. It's so embarrassing I can't believe I did that!

"Um well you see-" I stuttered out but was soon cut off by Takano's lips upon mine.

When we couldn't bear it we broke apart for air.

"Ritsu I love you." He says staring into my eyes.

"I love you too." I hide my blushing face in his shirt.

"Let me look at your face." Takano chuckles.

"No it's embarrassing!"

"You were the one that said it first and now you get embarrassed? How about I whisper something even more embarrassing" he says and soon whispers stuff in my ears.

I quickly separate away from him, my face completely red.

"You pervert!" I huffed and looked alway from him.

"As much as I love the fact that you confessed. What brought this on? And why were you crying?" He says concern showing in his words.

I got carried away in the moment that I forgot to tell him.

"My mom called me and said that the engagement is broken. I guess I was too happy that I ended up crying." I say quietly staring into is shocked eyes.

Once again he wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Really?" He asks happily.

"Yes Takano-san" I chuckled.

"Ritsu will you become mine and only mine. As I will become only yours?" He says with such kindness and eyes full of love.

How could I possibly say no when he has that kind of face.

"Yes Takano." I say with a tiny smile on my lips.

"Call me Masamune, Ritsu." He chuckles.

"Ma-ma- Masamune" I stuttered out face red.

He kisses me sweetly on the lips. And carries me to bed. (I'll leave your Fangirl minds to think whatever of this situation hehe)

~It's morning~

Haru P.O.V

I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. My eyes look puffy and you can tell I've been crying.

"Great how am I going to cover this up?" I mutter under my breath.

Maybe I can wear glasses or something? I make my way to Ricchan's room and find my bag at the foot of the bed. I opened it and rummaged through my clothes. Finally I found a pair of fake glasses and put them on. I make my way towards the bathroom mirror.

I brush my bangs to the side and look at my eyes. You can barely notice it I think. I sigh and let my bangs fall into place once more. Whatever that's the best I could do.

I make my way to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. Ricchan never came home last night. I smiled to myself.

Once I finished I got ready for work. I have to go help Yoshino sensei again. I wonder if Yuu will be there, is that his first name? If I recall correctly that's what they called him. I shrug and left a quick note to Ricchan about me going to work and not to worry. Just for fun I even asked him to not be so loud next time. Though in reality I fell into a deep sleep and didn't even hear a thing, though I'm sure there were some noises.

I go out the door, head high but deep inside there is sadness. I just won't let it show on my face.

Ritsu P.O.V.

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Takano's smiling face.

"Good morning." He says to me, stroking my cheek lovingly.

"Good morning. Were you by any chance watching me sleep?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe" he says teasing me giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

I make an effort to stand up and yawn. "Want breakfast at my place? I need to get ready."

"Okay I'll meet you there in 5 minutes." He says heading to the bathroom.

I stand from the bed and notice my appearance blushing. I'm wearing nothing but Takano's shirt. How the heck did this happen?

I take my old clothes and quickly change into them. Making my way towards my apartment.

It's silent inside, did Haru leave already? I take a quick look in the kitchen and notice a note on the table.

Ricchan I left for work already don't worry about me. I'm glad you finally found your answer and decided to confess to Takano.

P.S. Next time please be a little more quiet I could hear everything from your room.

Heat rushes to my face at the thought of Haru hearing everything. Stupid Takano he had to do that yesterday!

I make my way to my room and search for some clothes and quickly put them on.

"Ritsu are you done?" Says Takano from the doorway.

I jump startled "You scared me Taka- I mean Masamune."

He chuckles while I look around my room. My bed is a mess. Geez Haru you couldn't have made the bed before you left.

As I neared my bed I noticed a piece of paper tucked under the pillow.

"What's this?" I whispered taking the paper in my hands.

I begin to read it, and gasp covering my mouth with my hand from shock. Tears gathering in my eyes.

"What's wrong Ritsu?" Takano asks worried.

"Haru" Is all I could managed to say.

The letter said:

I'm ashamed to have such a son like you. If you think you'll get away with this you won't. I'm not your mother anymore and I do not wish to associate with you any further. You know how much I wished to have grand kids and you know how afraid of people like you I am. Ever since your father left us for that guy, it's only been you and me. Don't worry about it I'll make it easier for you, you are disowned from the family. You can do whatever you want with your life.

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