Chapter 11

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Yuu P.O.V

"I don't think I'm supposed to give people's numbers away like that" Chiaki says sarcastically.

"I'll give you my signed copy of The Kan. If you give me his number" I say knowing too well he wouldn't disagree.

Chiaki looked at me and back at the paper a few times, struggling to come up with an answer. A few seconds later he finally said "Deal! But Haru is going to kill me."

"Don't worry about it, I'll say I threatened you" I stated bluntly.

"That's even worse!" Chiaki snorted.

I start to chuckle and he looks at me curiously. As if he wants to ask something but doesn't know whether to ask or not.

"Hey, Yuu why are you so interested in Haru lately?" He says cutely.

"I might've fallen for him" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

Chiaki stares at me with wide eyes. Then suddenly his face changes and he's all serious.

"If you were to be with him and I said if, treat him nicely Yuu. Don't think that I didn't know something happened yesterday" he says narrowing his eyes at me.

"What is it with you? You've never been so serious before" I say cautiously.

Chiaki sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"I've only known him for two days but he seems like a great person Yuu. I already consider him part of the team, and If someone were to hurt the team even if it's you. Let's just say my nasty side will show up." He says crossing his arms at his chest.

Which only makes me snort. I know it's not the time to be laughing, but Chiaki pretending to be all tough with his hair pinned back, isn't necessarily an image that I could be serious about.

"You know if you wanted to be serious, you probably shouldn't have your hair like that" I say pointing at his hair.

"There's nothing I could do about it, it gets annoying at work! And I'm being serious here Yuu!" He says trying to get back on topic.

"Chiaki. I don't know Haru that well yet, but I'm willing to know him even better. So don't worry about it okay?"

He sighs and merely nods. Before he could say anything else, the other assistants came in and we headed right to work. It's sort of lonely without the girls fussing over Haru. Though I wouldn't want that either.

~At Marukawa~

Haru P.O.V

As I headed up the elevator towards Emerald my thoughts slowly drifted back to Yuu. Why would he kiss me?

I mean he didn't say anything about starting a relationship so maybe this is all in my head. Maybe all he really wanted to do was stop me from crying so he kissed me! Why would you kiss someone just to stop them from crying? That's so weird.

People started looking at me weird and I noticed it's because I've been making faces. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I'm hoping the elevator door opens up faster. As soon as the elevator door opened I quickly made my way towards Emerald.

As I enter Emerald, I once again am greeted by the pink room full of stuff animals and handsome men. When did you ever think that good looking men and stuffed animals mix? And pink also! I mean I like some shades of the color pink but not to this extreme where I'm surrounded by pink walls!

Though it's quite noticeable that hell week is approaching. Because one Ritsu is starting to get cranky and two the smell of flowers is gone and is now replaced by a faint horrible smell. You can barely smell it but it's still there!

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