Chapter 13

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Sup warning you guys now next chapter is the ending, but I had written a sequel to this story and yes I'll be putting that one up too. XD

Ritsu P.O.V

'Is this some kind of realistic dream? Because if it is I don't ever want to wake up.' I think to myself as I stare back at those hazel eyes.

I'm afraid that this is all a trick of my imagination. But if I heard correctly, Takano asked me to move in with him. As if sensing my jumbled up thoughts, Takano closes the gap between us by wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I can't help but lean into his touch as I feel his chest rise up and down as he breathes.

"You don't have to give me an answer now, just think about it please?" He asks stroking my hair lovingly with his hand.

"No" I managed to say, pulling away and looking into his sad eyes at my response.

"I don't need to think about it. I want to move in with you Masamune" I say shocking him and even myself.

I never thought I would come to that conclusion quickly. But just the thought of being closer to him, feeling his warmth next to me, and just the thought that the first thing I see in the morning is his face, made me realize that I want this. I want to be by his side so badly that it scares me to think of having to lose him again.

What if another misunderstanding happens? What if we get into an argument and in the end we both realize it's not going to work out?

Those were the thoughts that ran through my mind yet I decided to ignore them and dived into the risk of loving Takano Masamune. Why is falling in love so hard?

"How about we get your stuff now? Or at least start with the books cause that's going to take a while." He says chuckling in which I can't help but do too.

Then something struck me. What am I going to do about Haru? I can't leave him alone like that. He's facing too many things right now. First his mom and now the fact that he is falling for Yanase-san.

"We can start with the books, but I can't move in yet. What about Haru?" I ask looking at him worried.

He starts patting my head and shaking his head smiling.

"Idiot that's why I said we'll start with the books. I know you are worrying about Haru and wouldn't leave him alone at a time like this, so I'm fine waiting till you're ready to fully move in with me. Now come on those books aren't going to move by themselves" he says standing up and extending his hand to me.

I reach up and take his hand for support. He always has to surprise me at the best moments. I'm so lucky to have him. He understands me, and is there to support me. I guess I'll just have to try my hardest to support him too.

Takano P.O.V

I was extremely surprised when Ritsu agreed to move in with me. But I still had that hope that he would, and for once it came true.

I was too happy that I didn't know If I would be able to contain it. I didn't want to make myself look like an idiot so I offered the idea to start moving in the books. Knowing that it would really keep me busy because there is a lot of books. I wonder if we both have book buying problems?

Ritsu decided to go take a shower and in the meantime I decided to go look at the mess of books. But to my surprised they were all neatly put away in the bookshelf.

And then I saw them. The bunny and the bear I gave Ritsu. The bunny was black and Ritsu kept insisting that it looked like me because the eye color was also similar to mine. But that's not what surprises me about the bunny.

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